How to achieve your goals through action?

How to achieve your goals through action?

Do you know someone who has great knowledge yet doesn't put this knowledge into action? Do you know someone who keeps complaining and doesn't do anything about his current situation?

When I used to take singing lessons, I used to spend half of the lesson asking questions about singing and singers voices. One of the days, my singing teacher said to me, "If I keep talking to you about singers and their performance, will that make you a good singer?" I said, "Of course not, but it helps to know about their voices and styles." Then he started mentioning that it is more important that we concentrate on singing as my voice will improve through singing , which is the action, not by focusing on other singers voices and performances, which is the knowledge.

Let me ask you, if I talk to you about acting, will you become a good actor? Of course, not, you need to practice and work for many years to become a successful actor. There is a study that shows that we remember 90% through the actions that we take.

If you start having big hopes and dreams, that is good, but you need to put it into action . Dreams, hope and knowledge are great and crucial to have, but they will not make you successful if you don't take action. Unfortunately, most people spend their lives not enjoying the job that they do or the relationships they have and instead of looking for solutions, they stay complaining.

Two main reasons why people fail to take action

1. Fear-

Fear is the main reason many people fail to achieve their goals. Some fear to fail and some fear of the unknown.

2. Procrastination-

Many people procrastinate what they should be doing today to tomorrow, next week, and next month. If you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself, what is the worst thing that can happen if you take action? What is the best thing that can happen to you if you do take action?

Follow the below powerful steps for taking action

1. Write down your goal.

2. Plan for your goal.

3. Take action to achieve your goal.

4. Affirm daily that you are capable of achieving your goal.

5. Ask God to give you what you desire.

6. Visualize and act as if you already achieved your goal.