If you are dealing with Cancer here is the treatment that works

We have been ‘programmed’ by our culture to rely on doctor’s intervention to cure us when we get cancer, as we have blind faith in our medical system and their treatment of all diseases. With certain medical problems doctors do have success but unfortunately it’s not always with cancer and their cure rate nowadays is less that 5 percent. While their diagnosis of cancer is very good, their treatment of the disease is poor, as they only treat symptoms (the cancer growth) and this does nothing to help the patient or stop the cancer from returning.

Treating the root causes of a problem is much more important than treating the obvious immediate symptoms. Treating only symptoms will simply cover up the real underlying problem and make it worse so that it may reappears later as something much more sinister. There are many other problems with our mainstream method of treating cancer as well.

There has always been other genuine ways to treat cancer which you won’t be told because no one can make any money out of them, unlike the treatments of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. These 3 treatments are in place today because they’re profitable, not because they heal and that is a very sad fact.

Natural cancer treatments cannot be patented therefore no one can control the price. They all use the power of our built in repair system, our immune system, which we are all born with and is with us right through life. It’s because of our lifestyle nowadays that our immune system has been weakened and allowed cancer cells to develop.

This genuine treatment for cancer focuses on the 7 necessities of life and they are; fresh air, clean water, sunshine, exercise, rest, clean raw fruit and vegetables for food and hopefully a happy heart. This treatment will remove cancer faster that any drug in existence and the beauty of this treatment is no one can make any money out of it. The best doctor you have is your own body through your immune system. The human body has a remarkable disposition to ward off and repair all diseases including cancer through our immune system.

With our standard orthodox treatments it is not logical to weaken a patient further with surgery, radiation or chemotherapy, especially when a patient is already undergoing a major health challenge. Any person who chooses this natural cancer treatment instead of subjecting their body to toxic treatments has a much greater chance of beating the disease.

While fighting cancer with natural treatments is not an easy task, because it requires changes, millions of people worldwide have done it successfully to overcome cancer. Fighting cancer is easier if you are mentally prepared and fully educated on the subject.

Alan Wighton is an independent health researcher, having spent many years specializing in cancer. For information on genuine ways to deal with cancer that are inexpensive and work with all cancers, please visit /