
As I turned Twenty-two barely 24 hours ago, It dawned on me that i was indeed getting older, but not just older but getting old. The frivolities that were a constant reminde my youth had to be shelved in favor of more meaningful things in life.
Just what exactly where these meaningful things? I could not say, but believe that as time goes on will become abundantly clear. Society tries very hard to tell us how to live, what to wear, how to look, what exactly we should do with our lives and any deviation from this is viewed as a "failed" life, but I dont agree. Shouldn't we at least have a say in how we lead our own lives. It is after all our own lives, isn't it?
As I ponder this, It brings me to the question, just what is a meaningful life?. How do we know if we are living one?, and who judges if its meaningful or not?. If there are no set prerequisites for what a meaningful life is, then who is to say that your life isn't meaningful? In a world where people are shot down for as little as a can of soda, its kinda hard to consider anything being meaningful.
As I let this wave of thought wash over me and as I write this giberrish down, I wonder at the end of the day, when all is said and done and all the T's are crossed and the I's are dotted, can we confidently and authoritatively, without a shadow of doubt or uncertainty say that we hae lived a life not only meaningful but worthy of emulation?
This draws another question, Emulation by who? Is it just enough to lead a life that makes others green w envy? Does a life that that seems desirable to others neccesarily make it meaningful? This is an issue that has been discussed for decades and in an attempt to decipher it, some schools have come up with theories to dene a meaningful life.
Perhaps the most common of all these is that of Religion. Some people think that if you can have a life that is ridded in religion and principled by its ways, it qualifies as meaningful. So people flock to churches, Mosques, Temples e.t.c in search of meaning which they believe they will find in these places. Religious sects are amongst the fastest growing institutions in the world. As more and more people search for a deeper meaning to their lives, they throng to this places of worship.
But this creats its own Issues, if there are so many religions, each with their own distinct characterisitics and assurances that the are the way to Paradise, which, then is the true source of meaning and who hose it. in a world that has more religions than the last season of Jimmy Choos, who then says which of them are meaningful, and if only one of them is meaningful, what then happens to the rest of the folk?
Another school believs that family is the highest form of meaning in life and so women douse themselves in Perfume, put on the Season's clothes and queeze into the latest pair of Manolo Blahnik pumps, enduring hours of discomfort, all to find a husband and start a family. This, they believe will qualify them to have a meaningful life. this is perhaps one of the most popular schools of thought and thus explains the excessive emergence of family related esques. Shows like "Sex and the city", "Married with children" and countless online dating agencies and personal ads taken out on a daily basis support this school.
What then becomes of all the millions of others in this world who are incapable of finding love or family for one reason or the other. People who are resigned to stay "family-challenged" like the clergy men who have given it all up for the faith, or the sexually challenged like the gay man or the lesbian woman who are incapable of procreating due to their unique sexual orientation. Are their lives less meaningful than the rest of ours because of circumstances beyond their control?
If these are all faulty definitions of a meaningful life, then what then qualifies as a meaningful life?Is it even neccesary to lead a meaningful life? Is it possible that meaning could be relative and unique to each individual? Some people aspire for educational gain and that for them is a meaningful life, others financial reward, and that for them is a meaningful lfe. For others, its the betterment of humanity like the Rested mother Theresa.
My final take on it is look inside for Meaning. If it feels right, if it helps someone else, if its selfless, if its enduring its gotta have meaning.....................right?