Stop Smoking, Diet, & Fitness: Knight in Shining Armor Required

Everyone that succeeds at the goal of losing a lot of weight, permanently, places that success as their top or near to top life achievement and define it as a whole life changing event. Most, who achieve that goal in fact, stay overjoyed about it for the rest of their life. Smokers who quit smoking permanently, especially smokers who were long term smokers, place that success at the top or near to the top of their life achievements as well. When it comes to fitness, that health goal, up to now, has been so elusive, that it’s downright rare to see anyone that actually looks fit, unless they have to be fit to make a living.

The reality today is that most people are losing the weight loss war, the smoking cessation war, and the fitness war. Those that have succeeded thus far, have the right to feel proud of their significant accomplishment, against the statistical reality that has existed of achieving these particular health goals up to now.

The difficulty has created large industries which churn out product after product, method after method, program after program, pill after pill, injection after injection, surgery after surgery, trying to bring that healthy life change into the realities of millions who want it.

The situation on these issues has become so grand that if you do a search on Google today using “diet” as the query there will be 158,000,000 pages returned, the query “fitness” returns 369,000,000 pages, “stop smoking” returns 19,400,000 while “smoking” returns 130,000,000. On Yahoo using “diet” as the query returns 226,000,000 pages, “fitness” 571,000,000, “stop smoking” returns 41,600,000 while “smoking” returns 183,000,000.

The problem with most solutions that get created is that, even though many of these solutions work to some degree, all medical professionals agree that the majority need something more than what these methods offer on their own; they also need outside help to achieve these goals. In fact, when clinical trials occur on new medications on the issues of weight loss and getting people to stop smoking, supportive help is provided to the research subjects to the 12th degree, because they know that it increases the odds of success.

The Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers diet programs offer some level of supportive help, and when dieters quit the program and go out on their own, the failure rates for these programs skyrocket.

When it comes to achieving fitness, that can only be achieved through a long term exercise commitment, up to now, there has been no way for anyone to get help to achieve that goal anywhere on the planet, though it seems clear that no one can actually keep it up without some form of outside help. No movie company risks getting their star in the right shape to the star's own motivation and commitment; they give the star a team of professional trainers who keep that star on schedule until the job is done.

But when it comes to the consumer, despite this reality, almost all people just don’t get the help they need when trying to succeed at achieving these healthy goals. Instead most still try to succeed on their own without getting help, even though the consequence is that the whole effort is harder and much more likely to fail then succeed. Consequently, the consumer ends up with a ton of products and programs to succeed that all actually require added outside help. Consequently, resultant failures have more to do with not getting the help required, than being the fault of the underlying program or product itself, or even the individual.

People don’t get the outside help they need due to various factors including, because they don’t realize the actual need for it, the help available is inconvenient or out of reach monetarily or they are just plain uncomfortable in getting outside help.

For those that believe that your own inner willpower and commitment to succeed is enough to get you to your healthy goal to lose weight, get fit, or stop smoking, the statistics on success prove otherwise.

Currently, the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association and the U.K. Center for Clinical Excellence agree that 95% of smokers do not have the ability to stop smoking, whether they are using medicated methods or going it cold turkey, when they don’t get outside help.

When it comes to weight loss, dieting and fitness, with the current statistic that 75% of all Americans now considered medically overweight, it is clear that most people, when doing it on their own, can’t make it through to their goals. Couple that with the statistics that apply to Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig that have huge failure rates after people drop out of the programs, getting outside help clearly isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity to succeed.

The good news in light of that fact, is that a new real but affordable solution has been created that makes it so easy to get help to succeed when it comes to healthy goals that 99-100% of people who use the solution to reach their healthy goal to stop smoking, lose weight with any reasonable diet program, or get fitness through a regular exercise commitment, achieve success with this simple but powerful helpful solution.

Habit Braker Enterprises Inc., a California corporation, has developed a US patent pending system (11770472), that delivers quick round the clock healthy commitment help, using cell phones, iPODs, MP3 or CD players, through short special issue directed messages, designed for specific healthy commitment issues, which are not subliminal or based on any type of hypnotic suggestion, that gives 99-100% of consumers who use it the help they need to finally succeed at their healthy goals.

Consumers can now use their cell phones, iPODs, MP3 or CD players, to stay committed and keep up motivation and actually succeed at their healthy goals, anywhere they go, everywhere they are, anytime of the day or night, instantly, and with complete privacy.

Whether at home, work, or play, the short audio messages help everyone, quickly, so it doesn’t matter when they need the help they can now get it. Now no one has to try to succeed at the goal to lose weight through any diet plan, stop smoking, or achieve fitness through regular exercise, without getting help, ever again. This is the system that provides the knight in shining armor that everyone needs to actually succeed in the easiest way to get it on the planet.

Habit Braker Enterprises Inc. has already sold its’ system to consumers in every state in the USA, in Canada, Australia and the U.K through the World Wide Web. As more people come to know about the Habit Braker system of instant, quick healthy commitment help, more people have been able to achieve their healthy goals.

Also systems have been continuously requested for other healthy commitment issues such as alcohol, marijuana, gambling, spending and the list continues on and on. Habit Braker Enterprises is working on getting everyone the help they need to break bad habits and achieve the healthy commitment result they want by working on developing more of these helpful systems with the goal of ultimately including a system for every healthy commitment goal issue that exists.

For everyone who didn’t get the help that is needed to succeed before and failed at their healthy commitment goal to stop smoking, lose weight on any diet plan, or achieve fitness through a regular exercise commitment, know that you failed only because you didn’t get the help you actually needed to succeed.

Accept the facts and statistics that prove the outside help is needed to succeed at difficult healthy commitment goals and get the help that is needed and you can succeed. Your health is important to you and your attempts to change your health for the better prove that. But now that you know you need help, you can make your next effort to succeed your last by getting the help you need and finally succeed at making it to your healthy goal.