Better Goals for Better Results

One thing to think about is if the distance of what you want to where you are is that great, and your way short of your goals, where does that leave you.

1. If I am way short of my goals, I want to evaluate what has left me way short of my goals and if I have been in the proper arena to start with. One area to start with is my own personal vision. There is the natural human tendency to lock in to what already is. But this tendency also goes towards locking in to what has been unfavorable. If I have been locked in to what has been unfavorable, I might have a subtle idea that I am deserving of this somewhat unfavorable situation and this is the best I can expect. Whatever we are getting, we tend to believe this is what I am deserving of. A personal vision that counters this idea of what I am deserving of is put to the side and I prefer to see what has been in the familiar realm. An idea is to start with a blank slate, that nobody is deserving of anything and then build all over again from there. But this isn't always fair either. The idea is to not start out rubber stamping situations as to whether I'm deserving or not.

2. Another reason that I am way short of my goals is the tendency to filibuster. This is the situation where the arguments say in Congress are extended past the point of actually doing anything. I find the need to argue for change or even to attempt something I might want. Ironically, the supporting reasons for what I want to do might only be found on the other side of the issue that is when I actually do this, or get there, I will find the supporting reasons. If I go to the Bahamas and get on the beach, that beach is the supporting reason and I have found this out as I jump into the pristine waters.

3. I am way short of my goals because I think my talent should be executed only in a certain way. I might have the belief that I do have talent, but the way this talent is brought forth is only through the eye of the preconceived notions that I have already established. If I believe I do have talent, I must allow myself some testing of this talent and if there are misfires on my attempts to secure this talent, I don't just say I have don't have talent. If someone has a bad date, maybe they were a little nervous and didn't do a good job presenting themselves. That doesn't mean they aren't able to attract a good relationship, it just means that they had weren't at their best in the moment and that doesn't negate real talent.

4. You stayed when you should have left. People stay with things, situations, jobs, and ways of thinking when they have long outlasted their usefulness. There is something to be said for staying with what does work, but this can also be erroneous as well. I was watching an interview with a disgraced former executive and I thought whatever happened it seemed that he should have left the situation once it got to the point where the focus was now on having billions at the expense of seemingly bilking the corporation. He let the wheels spin past the points of being reasonably honest and ethical and got himself an unhappy ending. You can leave ideas or approaches that haven't gotten you anywhere and try some that will get you somewhere. Say I have been saying all week, I'll go out and run 2O miles and I haven't yet left the couch. Maybe leave the idea alone and come up with another idea, maybe I can say I'll run for an hour. That idea might actually get me going.

5. You deserve a break today. How many people actually believe that? I'm approaching the day or the set of days to where, it something goes wrong I am going to beat myself up for it. There is absolutely no room for compromise on this. If I start giving myself a break, where will it end? The problem with this is anything your try to do straight through is being unrealistic and tends to put you in a standstill. Maybe at least give yourself two breaks a day. Give yourself a break on something gone sour in the morning and give yourself a break on something gone bad in the second half of the day. This way, your still keeping the boat moving but you are practicing giving yourself a break if only for the purpose of not trying to do this or anything else straight through. It is the major mistake made in dieting and things like that. I'll never eat ice cream again often does not work because you are trying to do this straight through where you can say I'll only have ice cream twice a week instead of at every meal.

6. I leave every stone covered. Granted you want don't want to open up a can of worms, but didn't you open up some of the gifts Santa Claus gave you. If I don't explore a little bit, I might not find out about some gifts I have had all along that I did leave unopened. And there is something to be said for going with the obvious. If I so obviously have something going for me, it is reasonable to tap into this, and the obvious aspect of it is also something I need to respect. If Santa Claus gave you a great toy and that is obvious, don't just throw it in the corner.

7. I don't see good currents. Sometimes there are threads or themes I just need to pay attention to especially if good highlights come through. Maybe start a mini diary. What did you consider the three highlights of the day and write them down. What is bad about not paying attention to highlights is that the practice of not doing this tends to put things into the future. When I am always putting things into the future, it means I want the big payoff or forget everything else, give me the world or give me nothing. I keep looking for distant payoffs where there are highlights in this very day. Humor can be a highlight; I find it where I find it in the moment, the same with things like beauty, feeling the joy of listening to your favorite tune.

8. I don't listen to the words of the messenger. What happens is, I listen to everything and everyone out there and I lose sight of what are real messages for me. I am watching the news, I am subscribing to what is rather distant from my personal messages which need to be delivered through various means. Everybody that is paying attention gets at least three significant messages a day, so get your message journal and write your messages down.

9. Can I start my engines in this direction? There is enough, to say it is possible to start the engines and try and head into a certain direction. For example, maybe I studied a subject area to the point of obtaining a degree in it but I haven't worked directly in anything relating to this degree. However due to the backdrop of having this degree, it is possible to restart the engines on this and do some related project to this prior degree. Don't put all the emphasis on hoped for results; just consider even the feasibility or desirability of starting the engines towards this in the first place.

10. I am too much in the realm of highs and lows. I'll either reach for the sky or drown in my sorrows. I might want to locate what is found more in the temperate zone of what I am seeking. You can visit the artic; you can take a trip to the equator but look for projects that are found in what for you are the temperate zone. If there is an aspect that knocks this out of the temperate zone for you, then maybe that is enough to say forget it. Don't fight through weather patterns that are that difficult. I had read of some runners who run the annual marathon at the North Pole, it is a fantastic accomplishment and a good story, but this type of goal isn't what is best for a lot of people and especially if you are way short of what you are trying to do, don't try for the hardest. Of course, if you do something like this, consider that it is hard and you did do this, and then why are you looking at everything as having a similar level of difficulty. The irony is that people have indeed tacked affairs or adventures that are much more difficult than what they are attempting to do now and yet they unfortunately see what they are doing as maybe having a similar degree of difficulty when what they are trying to do is much easier for them that other things that they have already done. If I am trying to get a good conversation going, how is that difficult as compared to trying to climb a high elevation mountain? I'm way short because I surmise more difficulty that actually could ever exist for this.