15 Ways You Can Use Your Computer for Affirmations

Here are 15 ways you can build yourself up by using your computer as a messenger for affirmations.

1.    Desktop

Your desktop is something that you see every time you open your computer. Husbands seem to have this already figured out; they put up a picture of their son or daughter. When they see it, it illicits powerful emotions of love and kindness that they associate with their child. My favorite desktop is a bank statement, where I changed the totals being represented in my bank accounts. I eventually faded that out and put the “Ask and it shall be given, Seek…” verse on it as well.

The idea is that you put whatever makes you smile or feel empowered; just as you open your computer in the morning.

2.    Movie-Maker

Movie-Maker is very powerful software. It’s free, so there are no excuses for not using it. You can make a movie that represents you and your goals. Make a slide show and put music in it.

3.    Screensaver

This is a favorite of mine. You may get called away from your computer because a problem has come up. But when you come back, you will be encouraged by pictures you have set up as a slide show. It certainly beats a blank screen! These pictures can be as simple as pictures you have taken, or custom desktops you have created.

4.    Programmed Timer/Alarm Clock (hear)

Setting up an alarm on the computer is very handy for getting up in the morning. I haven’t done this one yet, but I will now since I leave my computer on all night. I used to save electricity :S.

5.    Custom Boot Screen (see)

Not everyone can change this screen (or knows how), but if you can you are creating a journey as you turn on your computer. You are having daily reminders all the way, from when you wake up, restart your computer, as you enter in your password to login (the alarm works under this mode) and then see your desktop. The boot screen is just another blank screen you would otherwise have staring back at you.

6.    Sounds

Log into windows with something short and to the point that makes you smile. At the beginning of Anthony Robbins’ CDs on personal power he has a short 15 sec. sound clip of music. The music sounds like the kind you would hear at the end of a race, or as you reach a summit. Throw it in there!

7.    Post it Notes (touch, see)

Since you have them all over your desk, you might as well make them happy ones! During my internship this summer I noticed that if stress was not in common with everyone, post-it! notes certainly did. I did not have any vast “issues” that I constantly needed to be reminded of, so instead I made my own:

Don’t jump out the window!

You’re always right!

You’re the best!

These are just examples, you can hone in on your strengths and focus on them when you write messages to yourself.

8.    YouTube

I am beginning to find that the amount of uses that YouTube has is alarmingly high. Look up “switchwords” or “affirmations” and you will find yet another use for YouTube.

9.    Your Desk Top

Here I am referring to your actual-physical desk. After all, if the power goes out you might want to have something to encourage you or make you feel still in control of your life.

10.    Send yourself an e-mail

This is a great system for reminding yourself of something. I would not recommend it too often, since too many e-mails can get very annoying. Once in a while (e.g.: 1-2 times per month) it is nice to get an ‘unexpected’ e-mail reminding you that you are a leader. You never know when you will receive it…it might come at just the right time.

11.    Create associations.

The automatic update bubbles that pop up at the bottom of my screen drive me insane. I try and try to get rid of them-yet there is always something! They pop up when I am writing a paper and they feel like they are calling my attention!

Take these annoying pop-ups and create associations so that when you see one, you think positively about yourself, or perhaps about something you want to be grateful for.

12.    Internet Home Page

This is really a no-brainer, but I believe like all the others they add up. Set your internet home-page to something that changes every few days. It needs to be something that communicates either positive information, or good quotes. You might want to make this page a dynamic one (always changing), so you have some variety.

13.    Edit the sounds in your games

I used to do this as a kid. I don’t really play games anymore. If I did I wouldn’t mind making a few ‘mods’ that say great things about my character –just for the fun of it!

This isn’t about being vain or obsessed with you. It’s about finding out what activities you do during the day that make you feel inferior or down, and replacing certain aspects of them with something that encourages you and builds your confidence.

14.    iTunes

Mp3 players (I use iPod) are great for audio-books, podcasts or web broadcasts. There is nothing superior to listening to something that builds you up while you’re taking a walk. Try to get the kinds of seminars that are fun to listen to. Many great authors create an audio-book so people can listen to it, but not all make it enjoyable to listen to like Robbins or Covey.

15.    Your Own Webpage

I am sure you have heard that giving to others = building yourself up. The more you give the more you become a better person. Your website can be focused on this too. I would caution you one thing however. If you want to have a website and to give away information by all means do it. But don’t forget to monetize at least some of it so you can make some money and pay your bills!