How Burning Bridges Can Set You On Fire

I got high a couple days ago.

No, it didn't involve Colombian herbs, bongs, or the munchies. I didn't sit and stare at my hand for 20 minutes. But I felt like I could do anything. Let me explain.

My wife and I took one of our cars to a local dealership to sell it. When we stepped onto the lot, I immediately felt defensive. I've seen places like this before, and if you're not careful, these shifty-eyed piranhas will eat you alive. But I was shocked . . .

My demeanor changed completely when a young man named Roger walked up and introduced himself. He asked us questions . . . What were we looking for? Where did we live? Do we have any kids?

It wasn't so much what he asked, but that you could tell he was genuinely interested in us. Well, that, or he was playing his role extremely well.

I found his optimism contagious. He was sure something good was going to happen for us today, and he was going to do all he could to make sure of it. At least that's how he made me feel.

At that point, I think I would have bought almost anything from him, and at any price. He was that good. I felt empowered and important. But that's not all.

We sold the car that day, and we were happy about it. But that wasn't the best part. My hands tingled slightly, and I felt a smile on my face. Selling the car became an afterthought. I wanted to know Roger's magic. How did he make customers feel so comfortable?

According to Brian Tracy, "Ambitious people dream big dreams and the only behavior they accept from themselves is to make those dreams come true." Call it tunnel vision, one-track mind, or whatever. They become experts at burning bridges.

Burning bridges leaves you with no other option but to succeed, Like Alexander the Great when he burned all of his army's ships, to ensure there would be no retreat. His men would either be victorious or they would die. They won. It's called commitment.

Being committed doesn't mean you won't fail. It does mean that when you fall on your face, you'll pick your bloodied self back up, guns a-blazin'. It means you're optimistic enough to see failure as an opportunity to learn how not to achieve your goals. It means that regardless of what happens to you, you'll continue to look for ways to get what you want.

Committed people don't look back, second guess themselves, or look for shortcuts. They know they've got to pay a price to get where they want to go. They continually educate themselves.

They understand that applied knowledge and consistent action are the keys to realizing their dreams. They won't veer from their chosen path.

Commitment does not mean wishing or hoping. Pipedreams and idle talk are for losers. The truly successful know that dreams are important, but planning and doing make these dreams reality.

As for Roger the car salesman, it came as no surprise to me to find out that he was the top salesman on the lot. I've no doubt this young man will go far in life.

You will too if you decide to act, then take action. Burning bridges pushes you onward, away from your toxic comfort zone.

Limit your options. Accept nothing short of greatness.