Cultivate self culture

Do the thing by which you fear, the death of fear is certain. The sure and certain way to germinate self confidence is to do the work, you fear to do. The work you are afraid of and get a record of successful moments behind you. By constant practice there will be development of courage, confidence and boldness in you.

Successful achievement in one field will kindle your internal enthusiasm, increase your confidence and motivate you to venture in other fields too. A stage will come, when you start doing one by one thing you feel shy of, you feel frightened at some time before and accomplish those tasks with ease. Ultimately, you will feel that confidence come to stay in you, will become a matter of habit and success will follow success.

You will learn a thing only by attempting it, actually performing the deed. The fear will ultimately wear off with familiarity .Action and practices are, therefore, the key to get over fear and gain confidence. If you persuade yourself that you can do a certain work Provided that work is possible, you will do it, however difficult it may be .If, on the contrary, you cannot do even the simplest work in the world ,under such circumstances, even a molehill will appear to you as a mountain.

The individual who lacks confidence, who perhaps suffers from inferiority complex, who is afraid, hesitant and diffident, must therefore assume first a venturesome attitude .He should take it for granted that he can improve, he can overcome his complex fears and phobias. He must start with this faith, belief, and conviction. He should always work without rearing any complex. In other words, what other ordinary normal average human beings are able to do, you should also be able to do. If other like yourself can perform a task, why not you? It might be a difficult task or might appear to be so in the beginning. But you must persuade yourself to do a thing, to accomplish the task.

Next for motivation, imagine only the benefits that will accrue to you be accomplishing the same. Take it up as a challenge. Face it as a bold man. Whip up your enthusiasm .Be resolute and determined. Now jump into the action. Don’t worry about the result. Just keep on doing it. Repeat and repeat over and over again till you get it on a habit. Quit worrying, but keep acting. Applying yourself with all you heart and mind to the work you are doing, will lay the foundation for your success.

Gaining of self confidence and courage, getting over complex and phobia, the ability to feel calm and assured, is not as difficult as one may think for achieving all these, one does not require a special gifted personality or technique for the purpose. As we have seen and considered earlier, it is just a question of practice, acquiring experience and getting a habit. It is like learning another art .all you need is the desire to accomplish the determination to persist, the enthusiasm to sustain your motivation.

Acceleration in right direction and practice will drive away your fears and phobia. You will automatically gain self confidence and abiding courage. Once you taste success in one field, it will prove transmitting effect. You will become bold in your own to venture out in other fields, other directions.

  1. Now, you know be experienced that you will win, if you keep at it. You therefore, start with positive attitude. You must begin with a strong and persistent desire. You must act with earnestness and enthusiasm. Ultimately a stage will come, when you can overcome any complex, and phobia, any fear, no matter how deep rooted and complex and complicated it   is.