The Decider

Anybody who knows me can testify that I'm a BIG dreamer. And in the past, depending on how those dreams were channeled, they could either be a gift or a curse. For years, I was one of those who always had big plans, but never a plan on how to achieve them. I spent hours upon hours in my head, but nothing ever got much further than that. Or, if I did manage to get a little done it didn't last long because my follow through was terrible.

But then something happened, I decided that pattern was simply unacceptable. So I started out on a long journey of self-excavation. I looked at those areas in which I simply excelled. I examined my learning styles, passions, and dislikes. I identified those things about me that were so concrete they were never going to change (like not being a night person or not being into "details"). Then, I decided to put together a plan that would help me leverage my strengths and farm out my weaknesses (like editing!!!). Guess what?  Suddenly things began to soar.

I was watching a documentary on MSNBC last weekend about George Bush called, "The Decider." While I may not agree with much he represents, I do have to give it to him on choosing a phenomenal nickname. As I watched that piece, I began to realize that we all have something in common with G.W. Bush; we are all "Deciders," and "Commanders-in -Chief" of our own lives. Once we truly embrace that fact, our lives will explode with opportunities.

This year, you are the "Decider" and you get to make the following decisions:

1.    How are you going to spend your time?

2.    Who are you going to spend it with?

3.    What projects and passions are you going to pursue?

4.    What do you intend to eliminate?

5.    Why are you here and what are you going to do about it?

You get to decide that you are ready to step up to the plate and "live your fiercest life," and when you do, let me know, because I'd love to share your story.

©2010 Jennifer Ransaw Smith