We have often come across news articles screaming about how the Boss of an renowned company sacked its employees, how a job-seeking engineer found out that every new employer initially keen on employing him lost interest after checking his references or the clichéd situation where an employee lost his temper and stormed out of his office . The main theme revolving around these stories and in many others like them is the relation between the boss and his employee. So how do you really avoid these situations and MANAGE YOUR BOSS?

The first question you must ask yourselves before you face your Boss in the morning should be: How do I keep my Boss smiling and happy?

Now the key to your Boss's happiness is not rocket science, it's simply doing your work diligently. Since every boss secretly fears that their employees are slacking and not giving their 100 percent, it is also important to keep your boss updated or at least informed about your progress.  There are times when multiple problems arise and the employees aren't even aware that there's a problem. When they finally become aware of the problem and rise from their slumber, they hesitate to consult their superiors or even inform them.  That is exactly the laid back attitude that a boss does not expect from his employees.

So the main question: How should you manage your Boss?

Let's face it, you need money to spend and in order to that you simply need to work, for there is no alternative. And to work successfully you need to know how to manage your boss well. Here are a few quick tips:

  • Be one step ahead of your boss. Try to be really understand your boss's psyche and get in their head.  The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said.
  • Don't slack in your work. No matter how good certain supervisors are, and no matter how your rapport with them is, you can be sure of two things: they're watching you and they have power over you. Don't let them catch you slipping.

  • Problems: Don't just come with problems, but come also with answers and solutions.  Simple and plain.

  • Knowledge: It is not data or facts but useful information too. In short be visual; be selective; group the facts; bring out what is necessary. As an employee of this firm you are paid to collect the data/ facts, and turn them into useful information and not just sit with it.  You can have great public speaking skills , but if you deliver weak content, you are doing yourself a disservice.

  • The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer. The more customers you bring with you, the more your boss will give you importance and consequently there are more chances of your long awaited promotion.

In the end, you must always be careful before you do anything. Business communications can be very tricky, so always think twice before venturing forward. Figuring out how to manage your boss rather than damaging your own promotion prospects is in your self-interest and not the boss's. After all one of the best ways to get success is to work for someone who will help you climb the ladder and not pull you down. Good luck!