Hello Friends,
I've been a lot of different places throughout my life and I've realized that no matter what happens, the only thing that can keep me moving forward is the way that ITHINKabout my situation. Circumstances can be overwhelming, but circumstancesalwayschange. If you let your circumstances control the way you think, then you are giving up your power to the things that happen instead of controling what happens in your life. I know that there are things that are out of your control but that doesn't have to stop you from thinking positive and claiming what's yours.
Thinking with Certaintybasically means that you choose to think and focus on what it is that you desire, but that's not all. You need to embody the feeling that comes along with the thought as well. You need to make your thoughtsbecome real in your own mindto actually manifest it in your life. Thinking positive is great but without actually believing that it is certain to come true, you will eventually fall back into hoping for something good instead of seeing what's comes after hope.
I will keep this article short but I wanted to give you a chance toquestion yourselfandencourage yourselfas to what it is that you want out of life, and thentake responsibilityfor making it happen. Start out with positive affirmations every morning and also imagine what you would feel like if you were IN that moment of success.
There is an enormous amount of potential within each and every one of usand Potential leads to belief. If yourbeliefis great in your potential, then you willtake massive actionto reach your destination. If you take massive action,you will receive massive results. And massive results will lead right back to more potential, which will give you a stronger belief in yourself.It's a never-ending cycle of upward momentum and positivity.
So start out with a strong belief in yourself and take massive action.
To your unstoppable success,
Chris Thomas