Creating a Practical Working Model in Your Mind

All things are created twice.
- Steven Covey

What is it that you want to do, achieve, say, write, be?

I read somewhere about a wonderful theme party.
The theme was 'Two Decades from Today'
Everyone was asked to attend the party as if living the life they wanted to be living 20 years from then.
So someone who wanted to be published came with a book of his (hardcover bound!), someone who wanted to be President came with security, someone who wanted to be a successful actress came with an oscar in her hand....

I loved the theme.

It gels with all I know about how the sub-conscious, the energy, the world and the secret works.
Create a mental picture, a working model of what you want in your mind first and sooner or later everything else in the physical world will come together to bring the model to life!

I remember looking at a location and wondering it would be perfect for a hotel management institute. I created in my mind the look, the students, the feel of the place and even the annual convocation!
Four years later I opened the Eclat Institute of Hospitality Management at that very location.

create a working model in your mind...taste the dish, feel the words, imagine the applause!

send me a note when it all comes to life!


Prabhjot Bedi
The Eclat Coach