How To Make The World Say Yes To Your Goals

If there is one thing the goal setter seeks, it is to have a 100% rate with their set goals. Even though a 100% success rate is not always possible, a 100% success rate for your essential goals is absolutely a must. So, is there a way to make the world say yes to your goals? As you read this article, you will find a key to make the world say yes!

Only 4% out of the 7% of goal setters will achieve success. This seems like a chance, however, it is fully possible to get into that 4% of success stories, however something needs to be noted, remembered and worked by.

Opportunities come in many forms. And someone once said that we get a major opportunity once every 90 days. Unfortunately for many, they will not see the opportunity when it comes.

It is said that preparedness plus opportunity equals success. You see, I have seen this in my own life. When trying to make an opportunity, by first creating a product, and then telling the world here it is, it would never work.

I realized that it works the other way around, and people must say I want this, and then with your preparedness, you seize the opportunity. This sounds more like something for business, but it fully applies with goal setting also.

Often we can easily get into the me, me, me factor. And in this stage, we feel our ideas, our goals, our wants, and needs should be based on us. The truth is that your goal can go hand in hand with the wants of others.

For example, people want to drive super cars, but few will be able to afford such cars. So, a man with a goal to buy a Ferrari, could easily start a Ferrari rental, and as such meet his or her own goal of driving a Ferrari.

This is an amazing way to look at goal setting. As you set goals, and let the world say yes to your goals, you achieve amazing results.

You get more and more successful, and it comes down to doing things in the right way. People have needs and will pay for them, when you can meet that need. A person needs popcorn at a cinema, and it is provided.

Now, as you look at opportunities, you will see them for what they are - opportunities to be acted upon, with the result of achieving your goal. It makes sense, and so few people do it, and the ones that do, find themselves in that 4%.

Take time to think about your goals. Look at opportunities which have come to you. Do those opportunities meet with your goals? Sometimes it can seem so synchronous, and it is preparation met with opportunity that equals success.