Top 12 Principles I Learned During the Summer of 2008

Here are the top things I learned during the summer of 2008. I feel they are worth sharing:

1.    Fear and Greed: Every decision you make is either out of the motive of fear or greed.

2.    Read books in your Niche: Everyone hates reading books that have nothing to do with their interests. That’s why we need to read books that focus smack-on what we’re interested in.

3.    The Value of School: Study what you Love, and then go do what you love.

4.    Think and Grow Rich: Napoleon Hill’s book. This is a must read.

5.    Always be a Rebel: Seems everyone who has accomplished something around here did it by breaking a few rules. In fact, it seems like it couldn’t be done without breaking any rules.

6.    Don’t think in terms of technician or entrepreneur: Michael Gerber encouraged me to dream more. I used to feel guilty dreaming.

7.    The Power of Browsing: Also known as, the power of suggestion, this powerful rule just means that in order that I find other activities that I am good at I need to try them out.

8.    It All Ends at the Office: It does not all end at the office! Just because I like business does not condemn me to a 9-5 job for the rest of my life. Instead I can be creative.

9.    Take More Breaks: On a 9-5 shift I got more done if I took 4 half hour breaks than if I took just one.

10.    Imagination: As a child I had a wild one. As I got older it got suppressed. Now is the time to let it loose and let my mind go wild.

11.    Who I associate myself with: I learned that I am the average of the five people I most closely associate with.

12.    Strengths: Focus on your strengths and outsource your weaknesses.

My summer was fantastic! I can't wait to tabulate all I have learned since then!