Mary Morrissey's Expertise to be Seen in the Masters Gathering

Mary Morrisey is a New Thought enthusiast. She is a New Thought minister, a founder of New Thought church "Living Enrichment Center" and she was Association for Global New Thought's president. She has attended, presided and headed a number of New Thought organizations and events. She is also an author of "Building Your Field of Dreams".

Mary Morrissey will be seen in Miracle Mastery, a Major event that is expected to help change lives. She will be joined by Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith and Bob Proctor in the Miracle Mastery which is set to happen on January 23 to 25, 2009 at the Marriot, Los Angeles, California.

What is even more good news is that aside from seeing Mary Morrissey at the Miracle Mastery, she would also be seen at a grander event, The Masters Gathering. This time she will be with the best transformation experts that she had been with in the movie The Secret.

The Master Gathering is a collections of a fully comprehensive system that has in its roster very valuable audio and video interviews, online coaching and a complete workbook that is set to come out January 2009. More details will come out in the internet about this. She will be with T. Harv Eker, Bob Proctor (who is also with her in the Miracle Mastery), Marci Shimoff, Bob Doyle, joe Vitale, John Demartini and a lot more.

This is a gathering of high and powerful proportions and is not something to be expected again to happen so do not miss it. Maybe this is the event that you have been waiting that can help you to become a better person in the future.