Decision, Discipline and Focus three tips on how to finish what you start

These three tips are meant to be just that, tips.

If you are like most people, you probably get started with something, come across a few hurdles and get distracted. At the end, you find that you did not finish what you started. Decision, Discipline and Focus are at the core of being able to finish what you started. Follow these three easy steps and you will be on your way to accomplishing anything.

Tip#1. Decision. Nothing happens without a decision. You have to decide what you want and to do and why. Why simply has to be at the forefront. Why? Because this why, will act as a GPS when hurdles threaten to derail your course

Your why is your fuel. It is your full tank and reserve. It will be the motivation to move on to the next step. Think back to your past. How many things have you accomplished or finished without knowing why? If you didn't know "why" chances are you never finished them. Now think back on all of your accomplishments. Is it fair to say that you knew "why".

If it was college the why might have been, feeling of self worth, economic security or simply that your parents would have killed you if you didn't finish but, there was a definite why and hence you finished.  After "why", let me suggest you learn how to incorporate"if... then". Let me explain how this is connected to Disciipline.

Tip #2. Discipline. Here is a suggestion for putting this into action.

For the purpose of clarity, when I use the term discipline, I am referring to behavior in accord with rules of conduct to follow. So here is how you do it:

Divide all items into two categories: negotiable and non-negotiable.Negotiable meaning that the results of not finishing what you started are accetable and non-negotiable meaning that the results are unacceptable.

Here is where "if... then" is used. When deciding if something is negotiable you might ask a question like: If I don't change the oil in my car, will it destroy the engine? If the car breaking down is acceptable then you have found a negotionable option. However if it is not then you know that doing it is non negotiable. Following this logic, if an item is non-negotiable then you have to set you behavior in accord with the rules that you create and the way you conduct yourself should follow. If this doesn't work ask the "if then" question differently.

Bear in mind that specificity of the question you ask determines the accuracy of your answers. i.e "If I don't change the oil in my car today, instead of tomorrow, will it destroy the engine.  So the idea here is; be cognizant of what questions you ask because they will directly influence the answers you get.

Tip # 3. Focus. This for some may be the most intimidating of the three. However, if you have laid down a good foundation in the other two. This one is almost automatic

Let me explain: If you have decided what you want to do and why; you know that it is non-negotiable, therefore you set your behavior and conduct in accordance with what you want to finish. i.e if you do "x" then obtaining "y" will follow. Therefore finishing what you started really is just a matter of going from "x" to "y".

To help you visually realize this, simply put it on a piece of paper and draw a line from "x" to "y". Yup that simple, draw a line from from where you are "X" to where your "Y" is you "why". One that line add the next most important ingredient; time!

Divide your timeline into whatever increments you may find useful to measuring your success. eg. into seven segments for a week one for each day. Or into 15 minute segments for an hour. During that time period, you want to constantly check where your time line relative to the spatial distance to your goal. Use a check mark or colored ink and move the x closer to your "y" until you get there. This not only helps to create a visual field for where you are but also creates a time-spacial reality as to how close you are to get there. This really counts when you find yourself being challenged; kinda like seeing the finish line in a race when you are exhausted. You know the finish line is there and one more step gets you closer there.

These three tips if followed will help you to finish anything you start through, decsion, discipline and focus.