How to control your mood or feeling

You may wonder how it can be done. Read carefully my article and the step so you can do it. There is research that indicates that humans have 60,000 thoughts a day. Of course, it is not easy to sort out which thoughts are positive and negative where a few tens of thousands of these thoughts. Now, I am going to tell you the easiest way to find out the positive thougt or negative thought, that is through the EMOTION.

Bob Doyle - one of the characters in The Secret - says that emotion is a remarkable gift, which makes us know what you think. In essence, if we are feeling happy, excited, grateful that our minds are on the positive area. If we are feeling sad, anxious, nervous, scared, jealous, mean thoughts, etc, we are in the negative area.

"GOOD" feeling --> think the "GOOD" --> attract "GOOD" things.
"BAD" feeling --> think the "BAD" --> attract "BAD" things.

A good feeling will produce good thoughts. Good thoughts expressed in the form of words and good deeds. Words and good deeds, if done regularly will be a good habit. These good habits will form the good characters. And this is what determines our future. And this is how it works.

Example: If the early morning we woke up with negative feeling / mood because the boss yelled out the day before, so our thought is going to say: "Well, today I am lazy to work. A little late it is okey. "," Today I have permission
because I am not in the mood. ", or if you still get to work is done half-heartedly.

So, how to change this bad mood.

  1. Change how you move. People excited gestures can you distinguish from those gestures are not excited. So if you're not excited, try changing your body movements resembling those gestures are excited: walking fast, his head is not down, breasts, smiling. This will make your feelings from not excited to be more excited (more cheerful).
  2. Change your Focus. Try to do this when you're feeling negative / bad mood: Change our focus to the things or experiences of a fun / funny / happy / positive. I always imagine that the successes I have achieved in the past and the enjoyment because my success will be achieved in the future if my thoughts and feelings are in the negative mode. Thus, I will come back inspired and motivated to pursue my dreams again.
  3. Change the meaning. You may have read in the newspapers that the high unemployment rate and bad economic life cause a lot of people commit to suicide. Who do give the meaning to your life? the answer is YOU. If Person A considers himself poor everything, sleeping under bridges, no family, eating from the remains given to me, insulted people, physically handicapped, etc., about whether you think that will be done by the person A? More likely he'll take a shortcut to commit suicide. But compared with the person B, with the same condition, but he gives another meaning to his life. "Days like this is enough. I must be willing to try harder and to appreciate myself so that others will respect me too. "With the meaning given by the B, the possibility to go forward he will be more open.
  4. Change the environment.Training in outdoor and will bring different results compared to training in indoor. Changing the daily routine can give different effects. Example: if the daily is in the office and work, then try on holiday to find a different environment. This is useful to refresh our mood and for restoration of our body cells.
  5. Change the input. When you watch a sad movie, your mood will be sad too. But if you watch a movie full of passion and struggle, such as "flag of our fathers", then you will be carried to be excited.

You can shift it if you want. Control your brain to think the good things and move your body to do the excited things, so you can feel the good things and attract more good things. Beleive me.