Quarter Life Crisis And What I Did To Make Myself Happy

It’s called the quarter-life crisis. And it’s becoming just as common, if not more common, as it’s older brother: the mid-life crisis.  It comes around the age of 24 or 25-- after most have graduated from college, have had a chance to test out the real world job market, and learned the monotony that is the life of the working stiff.

It normally hits around 1:32 pm on a Tuesday afternoon while you’re staring at that computer screen for the 4th or 5th hour straight that day.  The thought comes into your head, “Is this it? Is this what it’s going to be like for the rest of my life?” Okay, maybe it’s not necessarily that specific, however, this is how it happened to me. And from what I’ve gathered from my peers, it happens to most of us.   It was at that moment that I became inspired.  I created a private personal list of goals and accomplishments that I wanted to make sure were achieved by the time I was in my 30s.

What I created was a little bit like a “bucket list “ - the list of things you want to do before you “kick the bucket.”  However, I have always had one major problem with the bucket list.  The main problem for me is that the final result of the bucket list is you die, or “kick the bucket” to be slightly less morbid.  You don’t have the opportunity to really enjoy the results of completing things on your list.  You’re simply in a rush to cross things off before you pass away.

I decided it would be nice to have a place where people could share all of the things they want to accomplish.  So what I’ve created for those who want to accomplish things and then savor their completion is a website called …and it’s slowly on its way to becoming a worldwide phenomenon. Eventually, you’ll hear people saying, “So, what are some of your DoneBefore31’s?”  “DoneBefore31”’s are all the things you want to accomplish before you turn 31years old or all of the things you wish you had accomplished before you turned 31.  It’s different from the bucket list.  It’s a selection of realistic, fictional, taboo, crazy, achievable, and not so achievable things that ultimately will leave you more satisfied with your life in both the present and the future.

You see, the thing is that this all began as a place where people could list things that they truly would like to accomplish or should have accomplished. But it slowly has evolved into so much more.  Along with realistic goals, it has become a place that exudes serious creativity and original humor.  Many of the users choose to mock current events in interesting and imaginative ways. Whether you’re under 31 or over 31, it’s worth checking out.