Goal Setting? Chase Your Dreams - Not Your Tail!3 Great Reasons to Set Goals. 1. Goal setting is a winner. 2. If you put your mind to it you can do it. 3. Setting goals gets you where you want to be. I totally and wholeheartedly agree that goals that are SMART(specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound) really do work. So do the SMARTER (SMART plus Exciting and Recorded), the POWER and the GROW models. Before we even consider our beliefs behind any part that the Law of Attraction might play; the very idea of knowing what we are aiming for and perceiving it to be within our reach contributes in no small way to our ability to be successful. Personal life may be regarded as Little League compared to the gigantic and powerful business world, but goal setting is highly valuable in one's personal life too. Life is what you make it, and for me Life's a b-e-a-c-h, but it was not always that way. Life was too serious and too dark for a considerable period of time. Setting goals and achieving them opened me up to new possibilities. One of which was being happy, or more specifically having a greater overall level of happiness across all aspects of my life, for more of the time. Why not set Happiness as your Goal? The process is exactly the same as setting any other goal and you can use whichever acronym or Goal Setting technique you prefer. The bonus is that you become more discerning, clear-sighted and knowledgeable, about yourself...and others. You also get to tweak your personal qualities, those you like and those you dislike. Have you ever seriously thought about the finer points of your own happiness - what specifically makes you happy? What qualities does your personal happiness include? What are definite turn-offs? When you set Happiness as your Goal you begin to discover your own take on what makes you happy, so you can include more of it in your life. You can still set your material goals as usual, but with the added dimension of happiness as an overarching requisite. Of course, like the lion from the Wizard of Oz, you will need courage to consider such introspection. If you would like to find out more about how you can be happy and set Happiness as Your Goal, then visit her website where you will find SAFE, SMART, NLP POWER goal setting techniques, plus more tools and tips for achieving that mythical beast that is your happiness.