Smart Goal Setting With A Goal Setting System

What is smart goal setting? And what is a goal setting system? And can they help you to achieve your goals any faster? Join me as we take a look at how smart goal setting and goal setting systems can help you to reach your goals at lightening speed.

Points Covered In This Article:
* What Is Smart Goal Setting?
* What Is A Goal Setting System?
* Putting Smart Goal Setting To Work With A Goal Setting System

* What Is Smart Goal Setting?
If we think of a goal as a time line, we find that we can put an A point and a B point to the equation. We find that we are at A, and our goal is at B. Now in the science of goal setting and achievement, we can think about this statistically.

You can either don't succeed or you do succeed. And out of the successes, we find that some of the success stories will achieve their goal sooner than another - even for similar goals, with similar circumstances.

We want to focus on those that achieve success quicker. And the reason is simple, it means smart goal setting. And this is what the smart part is - a way to work smarter not harder to get goals achieved in quicker time.

* What Is A Goal Setting System?
A goal setting system is a framework, which works with all your goals. You can apply it to create projects big or small.

A goal setting system can be your own system or someone else's. And it should first be tried and tested, and then learned off by heart, so you can always use it.

* Putting Smart Goal Setting To Work With A Goal Setting System
Smart + a system to set goals = major success. The reason is simple, and I will go into the equation.

You see, when you get that smart system, you are ultimately moving forward. But, without a system, you can easily get stuck. Well, when the space shuttle is 'go for launch', it goes and goes. There is no stopping it, and no room for procrastination. Instead you are moving forward.

A goal setting system is there to constantly provide you with the framework to keep moving forward. A goal setting system is like the parts of a vehicle, the engine, and the wheels.

Your part is to act as the smart fuel. You take action, and the results work, because you always create goals when problems or obstacles present themselves, and you can move forward at lighting speeds!