Changing Bad Habits For Life

Often times the first step in improving your life starts with an evaluation of yourself and your habits and lifestyle. There are things you are not happy about, daily activities you want to add or change, or people you want in your life or even out of your life. What kind of life do you want? And what kind of "life energy" do you want to have on a daily basis?  Find out with these 12 easy steps.

Step One

Ask yourself some questions:

  • What do you want your life to be like?
  • What habits and lifestyles do you need to eliminate?
  • What positive habits do you want to have to make your life better?

When you answer these questions, be honest with yourself. Make them obtainable and realistic. Follow your gut and your heart when you answer these questions.

Your intuition can be very powerful, so make sure that you listen to it. Tell yourself right here and now that you will trust yourself, and trust your intuition. When you are in doubt about something or someone, follow that intuition. It may not be 100% correct all of the time, but at the very least you know you are being true to yourself. This is critical.

Step Two

Now turn those questions and answers from Part 1 into specific goals you want to achieve. Be specific. Again ask yourself some questions:

  • What habits are you going to let go?
  • What new habits are you going to replace those old habits with?

Make your goals specific and realistic. Also make ones that you can actually measure, so it is easy for you to track progress.

Step Three

Now you must develop a sincere desire for the items you want to achieve. To make your life better, having the desire for it is the starting point.

Take pictures of what you want, or draw it out. Put the pictures on your bathroom mirror, on your refrigerator, or on your coffee tables. The mind is more motivated by pictures and being able to visualize your goals and why you are changing bad habits is a great motivator. Your creativity comes from the right side of your brain, and pictures feed this creativity.

Every thought you have uses electrical energy to imprint a new picture into your subconscious mind. The more you use pictures of your goals and what habits you want to break, the faster you will attract them into your life. It's important for you to fantasize about what you want out of life. Use these pictures and fantasies to keep your goals in mind. You must think about what you want, in order to achieve what you want. There are no limits!

Step Four

Make a plan to achieving your goal and write all of this down. If you ever wondered what the difference between a wish and a goal is, it is this; a goal is written down. Once you have a clear picture of what you want in your mind, you can achieve it.

Focus on what you want, and concentrate on what you want. This deliberate concentration will break through all obstacles that may stop you.

Step Five

Distinguish between your goals and your activities. A goal is a specific end result and activities are the things that you do to achieve your goals. Always remember the goal, and don't get caught up in the activities. Reaching the goal is always the most important thing.

Step Six

Create deadlines for your goals. You must have deadlines in order to motivate yourself to produce the results. Your mind must have a clear picture of when you want to achieve the desired results.

First write down your one-year goal and then write down the activities that are necessary to achieve the goal. Make the activities in a particular order. What are the first ones you need to do? After the first set of activities, what is the second set? Write all of these down.