Faith Is About Belief, Attitude And Vision

Manufacturing faith in yourself and others can be created, as it is a state of mind.

It may not necessarily be an easy task for some to achieve, but anything worthwhile always involves a struggle of some sort.

Faith is about belief, attitude and vision.

The belief in yourself that you can achieve what you desire. It is a life choice, if you are going to be successful in creating the life of your dreams, you have to believe you are capable of making it happen. No-one else can do this for you, it is up to you so don't waste your time believing you can't, start believing can. Napoleon Hill says,' you can be anything you want to be, if only you believe with sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith; for whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.' Decide you are capable of doing anything you want and start working towards it, not tomorrow, not next week, but right now. There is no time like the present that is why they call it a gift.

Believing in yourself is a choice, it is also about your attitude. How you set your mind to the tasks which will lead toward achieving your goals, your attitude to other people, do you inspire people? Do they trust you? Do you demonstrate persistence when he going gets tough? Take a check on you attitude, is it positive? Do you take full responsibility for your actions? Do you offer forgiveness instead of revenge? A positive attitude is essential in leading a fulfilling life conversely, a negative attitude will never bring you success, so take the time to think about ours and be honest with yourself.

Have a vision of what you want your life to look like, be specific in every detail. It may be a car, holiday or home that you desire, whatever your desire is, be specific in the details and when you want to have achieved i by. Take the time each day and night to visualize what it will be like living your dream life and how you feel, happy, content, free. Proud that you have achieved your dreams and your faith and belief in yourself has got you to where you want to be.

St Augustine said, 'faith is to believe what you do not see, the reward of faith is to see what you believe.'

Therefore, prepare to succeed, have the faith and belief in yourself to achieve your goals and start your journey, you are worth it.