Thereason of this articleis to answer that very important question What time dedication is required to learn Spanish. There are many different methods or alternatives that you can learn to talk Spanish that you should spend some time figuring out which method is best for you. This question is asked by tons of people who want to study Spanish. The problem is that this question can't be answered matter of fact because we all learn differently.
Here are some questions to consider:
Do you like to learn much faster than your comfort level allows? If you were in a schoolroom setting would the learning ability of the individuals in this setting matter? What method will you choose to learn Spanish private,schoolroom or home study? What type of Spanish learning program will you select? If you choose a private tutor then price is a consideration. The classroom setting begs the question how big is the class? It might be an idea to think about what kind of learning environments that you hate or don't like. Think about how much the Spanish course is going to cost and how much time you have to commit to your learning.
It's best to know how much money you can afford for your Spanish learning course, and how much time you can commit as well as your preferred learning methodology. Tens of thousands of people have picked up conversational Spanish in well under six months Within the general universe many people find learning languages comes naturally, while others can't focus and fight with even the basic Spanish language greetings.
What Learning ability do you possess? Are you a Spanish learning machine or the stumbler? Only you can answer that question.
If you are keen and hungry to learn Spanish and keep uniform focus then you will learn to speak Spanish no problem. On the other hand if your only learning on a whim then you will fail. I can't give you a time frame in which you will learn Spanish as I don't know how committed you are or what learning materials you have chosen for yourself.
Look within yourself for your reasons for wanting to learn Spanish. If they are good valid reasons and not just "I have a two week vacation in Spain coming up". Ask yourself "will I be looking forward to doing this six months or a year from now?" There are many things to occupy your time without you adding a language into the mix. Think about what you will be giving up in order to learn a language.
Below is a list of learning methodologies for you to consider:
Visual learning - observation DVD
Auditory learner - listening mp3
Reading and Images
Visual & Auditory
Class room setting
Private tutor
A private tutor is the most expensive. If you want to save some money then you can participate in a classroom setting but you will be on the long slow road to successfully learning to speak Spanish. To learn the basics it might take as long as a year.
The best bang for your buck is learning Spanish online.
It offers the convenience of learning at your own pace, so you can learn fast or you can take it slow and steady in face after only a few months you will be able to join in on short conversations online or in your local community and lets not forget that it's inexpensive and best of all it works.