Financial Success "secrets" To Turn Your Desires Into Gold

As my personal and financial mentor explains it, Andrew Carnegie used these 6 steps to create millions of dollars in his lifetime.

Andrew Carnegie's secret can help you create success in any area of your life as long as you have a strong enough desire to follow the steps.

There are no limitations in your mind except those that you acknowledge and accept personally.

Your major dreams of achievement can become reality if you have a strong enough desire, purpose and plan of accomplishing your goals and you take the persistent and consistent steps on a daily basis to achieve your goals.

The Six Steps to Turning Your Desire for Riches Into the Real Financial Goods

1) Fix the exact amount of money that you desire.

2) Create a plan of exactly how you are going to get the desired amount of money.

3) Establish the exact date at which you plan to acquire your desired amount of money.

4) Begin immediately to put your plan of acquiring this income into action.

5) Write out a clear statement with the amount of money you intent to acquire, the time limit and what you plan to do to get this money and describe clearly the plan in which to intend to accumulate this money.

6) Read your written statement out loud twice a day and see, feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money you desire. Read the statement once when you first wake up and again when you are going to sleep. As you read the statement and picture yourself with the desired money, you will develop the burning desire to do what it takes to achieve your desired amount of money.

This is exactly what Andrew Carnegie did every day in order to achieve over 100 million dollars in his life. He started these steps working in the mines and he did what it took to create what would be billions of dollars in our time.

Thomas Edison actually stated that these six steps can be applied to achieve any and every goal you wish to achieve. Provided your desire, faith, belief and dreams are strong enough, and you never quit on your dreams, you can turn any of your desires into gold!

Everyone you know, or have heard of, started off with a dream, desire, belief, faith, wish, and a plan before they achieved greateness. Your belief and desire must be so great that nothing gets in your way of achieving your greatest goals!

If you read any success stories of the truly successful, you will see that these successful people started with a dream and a desire to have more in life. You will also see that the truly successful have had many failures or set backs but did not let anything get in their way because they had a strong enough desire and did not mentally acknowledge or accept failure as an option.

Belief plus burning desire can turn a dream into reality with proper planning and consistent and persistent action.