Acne Advice: 4 Tips To Reduce Acne

Acne is a very frustrating skin condition to have. Most acne sufferers find it extremely difficult to get rid of acne. They try various over-the-counter products only to be disappointed with unsatisfactory results. Acne just never seems to go away. But wait. I have here four simple tips to eliminate acne. They are simple 'rules' that are extremely easy to abide by and yet can significantly help to reduce acne. Following these tips will definitely improve your complexion and prevent future acne outbreaks.

1)Drink 8 glasses of water a day
The human body consists 70% of water. It is no wonder this fluid is so important to us. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day will help us perform our every-day activities at full physical capability without risk of heat injuries. More importantly, a lack of water can lead to severe acne outbreaks. It is essential that you get at least eight glasses of water daily to have pimple-free skin.

2)Wash your face regularly
This almost goes without saying. Washing your face everyday is a hygienic habit that everybody should have. It removes oil and dirt that has accumulated on your face, thus preventing your pores from clogging up and resulting in pimples.

3)Avoid oily and spicy foods
It is not yet scientifically proven that such foods are causes of acne. However, some people tend to break out soon after consuming exceptionally oily or spicy food. Food and drink high in sugar content may also have the same effect. Acne sufferers should thus try to cut down on their intake of these foods. After all, a balanced diet is not only good for the skin but for the whole body as well.

4)Don't touch your face
If you have acne, you should avoid contact between your hands and face. Germs accumulate on your fingers throughout the day. Touching your face will only help bacteria find its way to your face. Bacteria is a major cause of acne and other skin infections. If you need to scratch, use a tissue or wash your hands before that.
There you have it. Four habits that all acne sufferers should adopt. Discipline is key if you want to improve your complexion. Make it a point to practise the tips that I have discussed, and you will definitely see improvements.