Practical Goal Setting Tips

One of the most difficult behaviors you will probably all face at some point in your lifetime is planning, carrying out and sticking to a goal. Too often other distractions enter your life and push you off the path. This leads to frustration and a sense of failure.  By following a few goal setting tips you will find yourself easily accomplishing your goals.

Make a List

Begin by making a physical list of your goal or goals. Do not go overboard, as too many goals can seem quite overwhelming. When you write down your goal be as specific as possible. Your goal must have a time limit and there must be some way to measure your interim achievements as you move towards your goal. With each goal you write down include the reason why you wish to achieve this goal and how it will benefit you.

Devise a Plan

Now that you know exactly what your goal is, your next step is to determine what you need to get there. For example, maybe you want to become a unit manager at work. Are there any outside educational courses on management that you should enroll in? Or are their continuing education courses in your chosen field that might benefit your advancement? Maybe you would benefit from taking different positions at work so you can learn the whole process of your office. Include in this plan a time line for the different achievements that you need to meet to achieve your goal.

Prevent Failure

One of the most important goal setting tips is to actively prevent failure. Take note of all stumbling blocks that could slow you down or push you off track. Develop plans to face and circumvent these obstacles. And if you do get pushed off your path, have a plan in place to get you back on track. The smart warrior goes into battle knowing his enemy well. Be smart about failure and prepare to face and fight it successfully.

Acknowledge Sacrifices

Be realistic and face the fact that you might have to give up some facets of your life. Maybe you will have to spend more money, or work more overtime or spend occasional weekends away from your family. Whatever the sacrifices you must willingly agree to make them until your goal is achieved.

Assemble a Team

Do not hide your goals. It is very important to let those around you know what your goals are.  This is especially true if those around you might be inconvenienced as you work toward your goals. If you have to work more to achieve your goal your friends and family should be aware of this goal so they can cheer you on instead of resent your time away. Try to find a mentor that has already achieved your goal and ask him or her to help you and keep you on track. The more people you have supporting you the easier you will find it to achieve your goals.

Reward Yourself

Finally, one of the best goal setting tips is to remember to celebrate. As you reach important steps toward you goal take time to reward yourself and those around you who have been supportive. Have a party for everyone, take a trip with family, buy a piece of jewelry or a new outfit and take everyone to dinner. Whatever you choose, just be sure to have a great time!