Goal Setting:The Secret To Accomplishing Any Goal

To accomplish any goal, it's essential that you COMMIT yourself to achieving it. This may sound simple, but it's rarely easy. After all, true commitment means committing yourself to doing every single thing required to accomplish such a goal. So how do you commit yourself? Well, there's a secret. You've actually used it before. You just didn't know it...

Imagine, for example, you may convince yourself that you are "committed" to getting a new job... or starting a business... or making more money... or getting fit... But have you really committed yourself to doing all the little - and big tasks - required to accomplish such an objective? Are you ready to make all the sacrifices that go along with true commitment? Because it's dedicating and disciplining yourself to doing everything needed to accomplish something that is what commitment to a goal is really about.

Now, when it comes to committing yourself to a goal, you may hear people talk about visualization, affirmations, positive self-talk and other techniques designed to "re-program" your mind in order to ensure you fulfill your commitment. Of course, you'll probably also hear many people claim that these techniques don't work!

As you might imagine, it doesn't matter what works. What matters is what works for you. And here's the secret to achieving any goal - "what works for you" is... what has worked for you in the past. You see, chances are you've already committed to achieving goals in the past. And, sure enough, you've accomplishd those goals. So why not do what you did then in order to commit yourself now?

For example, when I decided to become a competitive runner a few years ago I read a lot of books and magazines about running, I joined a running club, I kept a training diary, I joined an online running forum, I competed in races, and I visualized a lot about winning! That's how I committed myself to running. In fact, everything I did was part of a "commitment ritual" that got me hooked on running - and not just willing, but EAGER - to get up and train at 6am every morning - rain, hail or shine! Later, after having children and wanting to get fit again, I went through the same ritual to get back into competitive running again.

Now you might have a different Commitment Ritual. In fact, you might have different Commitment Rituals for different kinds of goals. But the point is - you have at least one Commitment Ritual. So... the question for you now is simply this: which tried and true Commitment Ritual can you use now to accomplish your current goal?