How To Achieve Goals And Overcome Obstacles

9758242.jpg?413Brian Tracy claims that the fear of failure is the greatest obstacle people have when it comes to achieving their goals. But it is not the failure itself which prevents them reaching their goals, it is a fear of failure. It can hold you back and sabotage your efforts to achieve your goals. T.Harv Eker claims that rich people act in spite of fear, while poor people let fear stop them. We often think of failure as the inability to accomplish a certain objective. We give it our best shot and if we have too many obstacles we give up, or if the results are less than favorable we consider us to be failed. We can consider it a failure only if we stop trying. If we keep working at it, we might turn a failure into a success.

Tracy advises to make a list of your fears, and then select one that you think will hold you back from achieving your goals. After that you should answer three questions: how this fear holds you back; how did it help you in the past and what would be life without this fear. He claims that it helps you to confront your fears and overcome them. The key to reaching your goals is the ability to shift awareness and hold focus more on where you want to be and less on where you are, and you will get there faster. Ecker stresses that if you focus on obstacles instead of opportunities, you get more obstacles and less opportunities.

Tracy states that the more you think what you want and how to get it, the more rapidly you start to move toward your goals and your goals start to move toward you. Tracy advises to take a piece of paper at first and to write down ten goals you want to accomplish within next twelve month. Ask yourself a question like this: "If you could only accomplish one goal from the list, which one would have the most positive impact on your life?" Then put a circle around this goal, turn the page over; set a deadline for this goal, and write everything down what you need to achieve the goal, and do something from this list every day. Do something every day that moves you one step forward toward your goal.

At the beginning we may feel that the challenge is too big, the road is too rocky, and obstacles are too intimidating. However, we may start by taking small steps toward the goal and if we start moving, things get easier and more opportunities begin to appear before us. Tracy claims that selecting one goal, making a plan and working on it every day will change your life in ways that you can't imagine. He says that people become great if they determine their major purpose in life and work on it every day. You must also be solution-oriented, instead of being problem-oriented. Rich people tend to ask :"How can I solve this problem?" The more you focus on solutions, the more easily you solve your problems. It is the secret of becoming a self-made millionaire, it is a secret of great success in life.