How Do Successful People Reach Their Goals

6201536.jpg?393Brian Tracy, a self made millionaire and  the author of "21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires" and "Goals" states that „Success is Goals, and all else is commentary!" Selecting one goal, making a plan and working on it every day will change your life in ways that you can't imagine. Philip E. Humbert says that we all have goals, but important distinction between successful and unsuccessful people, however, is that successful people are very intentional and focused on their goals. The results of the Harvard study conducted between 1979 and 1989 revealed that the 3 percent of graduates who had clear, written goals when they left Harvard were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97 percent of graduates all together. The only difference between the groups was the clarity of the goals they had for themselves when they started out. According to Dr. Humbert high achievers always know precisely what they want, because they have written it down. Often, they write a short description of their goals every single morning, as a personal reminder of their priorities and their objectives. He claims that the act of writing your goals down vastly increases your chance of success.

The more you think what you want and how to achieve it, the more rapidly you start to move toward your goals and your goals start to move toward you. According to Brian Tracy your thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. You invariably attract into your life people, circumstances, opportunities and even sales that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts. Tracy claims that successful sales people think about what they want, and how to achieve it most of the time. They visualize the kind of success they want to enjoy in advance by imagining their goals as already accomplished. Prior to every new experience, they visualize previous success experiences that are similar to the upcoming event.

Unsuccessful people on the other hand, recall their previous failure experiences. They think about the last time they failed and they imagine failing again. As a result, their subconscious minds have been programmed for failure.  Although they try to think positively about their goals, they still have the same old negative victim images in their subconscious which leads to failure experiences over and over again. According to Joseph Murphy  our subconscious mind doesn't make difference between positive and negative statements. Thus, your incomes reflect your dominant thoughts. By visualizing your goals  you'll send a message to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind creates your life through the messages you send to it. Murphy states that when a human mind clearly and continually visualizes an end result, with deep emotion and concentrated intent, then the formatted energy generated is converted into its mass equivalent - ie. the result desired.

Tracy advises in his book "Goals" to take a piece of paper and to write down the goals you want to accomplish within next twelve months. Ask yourself a question like this: "If you could only accomplish one goal from the list, which one would have the most positive impact on your life?" Then put a circle around this goal, turn the page over, set a deadline for this goal, and write everything down what you need to achieve the goal, and do something from this list every day.

When I myself used this technique for the first time, I looked at my goal that seemed to be totally unrealistic and unachievable. I even wrote this negative statement down next to my goal. However, I decided to reformulate this by asking "How would it be possible to achieve this goal in a year?" I looked through all my assets, made a monthly plan, which was not extremely encouraging either. I continued my work by splitting this plan into small tasks which I should fulfill on weekly and daily base, and in this way,the plan became suddenly totally realistic and achievable. All it was required was to take small steps day by day, hour by hour. And this was psychologically extremely relevant, because I didn't have to overcome a mountain any more, just some small pebbles instead.

Tracy claims that selecting one goal, making a plan and working on it every day will change your life in ways that you can't imagine. He says that people become great if they determine their major purpose in life and work on it every day. Thus, we may start by taking small steps toward the goal and if we start moving, things get easier and more opportunities appear before us. For example, Jack Canfield has said that the main reason he has sold over 150 million books is that he did five things every day to promote his book. At the beginning we may feel that the challenge is too big and obstacles are impossible to overcome, but if we select one definite goal, make a detailed plan and work on it every day, it becomes easy and achievable. Tracy says that people become great if they determine their major purpose in life and work on it every day.  All it requires is that you must be solution oriented, instead of being problem oriented. The more you focus on solutions, the more easily you overcome problems. This is one of the secrets of great success in life.