Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between successful people and those who can't seem to make even their simplest dreams become realities? Most of us have at least one aspect of our lives which we wish could be different. And each one of us has a different definition of what being successful really means. Regardless of which is that one elusive goal you can't seem to grab a hold of, or what would need to materialize in order for you to feel truly successful, Andy Andrews has outlined through his bookThe Traveler's Giftseven key decision that WILL change your life forever. But, the change will only happen if you truly make the definitive and committed decision to live by each of the following principles.

  1. The Responsible Decision-- The first important decision to be made is to accept full responsibility for our actions, our decisions, and our present condition. It is impossible to live a successful life when we spend our time and energy looking for other people to blame for our lack of achievement. The victim mentality cannot, and will not, lead you on the path to wellness and prosperity. It will only cause you to become stagnate. So, real change begins with changing your thinking. Moving from the position of the victim, to the empowered place of the responsible decision maker will start your new mindset, and your new life.
  2. The Guided Decision-- A Spanish proverb says: "Tell me who you walk with, and I'll tell you who you are." This is the basic premise behind the second life changing decision presented by Andrews. Seek Wisdom. Heed the counsel of wise men and women. Don't listen to the advice of those who not only have not achieved what you are striving to accomplish, but also believe it to be an impossible dream. Choose your friends and associations with care. Do not settle for comfort, rather seek out new opportunities to step outside of common and comfortable boundaries. Remain humble, serve others. Learn something new every single day.
  3. The Active Decision-- All too often we allow ourselves to be paralyzed by fear. When confronted with a choice, we often prefer to do nothing, rather than risk making a mistake. Victoria Holt once said: "Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience." Live by that standard. Be a person of action. When faced with a decision, make one. When standing at a fork in the road, decisively take steps in one direction or the other. Don't fear your mistakes. Rather, see errors as new opportunities for growth and for new paths to explore. Only those who quit, fail.
  4. The Certain Decision-- Establishing a clear mission and purpose for living is key to achieving any kind of success. Each person's mission and dream should be the driving force behind each of his/her actions. Every morning should greet us full of anticipation and excitement about the tasks ahead, as they move us closer to seeing our dreams come to fruition. Each night should find us exhausted and grateful as we cheerfully contemplate the steps we've taken to move closer to our goals.
  5. The Joyful Decision-- Of all the concepts Andrews presents, this will probably be the tougher for most people to grasp. We have been fed the idea of the "pursuit of happiness" as though happiness were dependent on anything but conscious decision. Well, Andy Andrews makes it a point to shift that paradigm. Happiness is not an emotion or elusive feeling. It's also not an end goal to strive for. Happiness is a chemical reaction which can be triggered and controlled. Therefore, happiness is a decision. Make the choice to be happy, regardless of your condition or surroundings.
  6. The Compassionate Decision-- Forgiveness is yet another one of those so called emotions that we often find so hard to grasp and live-out. Holding on to grudges, anger, frustrations, and other negative feelings will only rob you of the ability to move forward. These sentiments will keep you permanently living in the past. So, make the decision to forgive others who have hurt or blasphemed against you. But, most importantly forgive yourself for prior actions. Begin with a clean slate today, and leave the past where it belongs. . . gone!
  7. The Persistent Decision-- "Persist without exception". Andrews places as the final and most crucial decision, making the choice to move forward unwaveringly. Do not quit. Do not let go of your dreams. With a child-like heart, keep pressing forward, KNOWING, not just believing, that the desired outcome is inevitable. Stay focused, do not give up, and have faith.

Firmly making each of these decisions and committing to making these changes in you mindset, WILL lead you in the right direction toward achieving success, whatever you define that to be. To have a more thorough understanding of each of the seven decision, make sure to read this outstanding book (The Traveler's Gift) and visit AndyAndrews.com for some outstanding free resources to help you on your journey. Remember that success must take place inwardly BEFORE it can manifest itself physically.