Learn How to Make Your Goals Come True

Many people have dreams. But only some of them make those dreams come true. Why is that? Some say that once have more time then others, some say that once are more lucky then other once.

I will tell you that it’s possible for anyone to achieve their goals. they just need to know how. Goal is some what a dream, but a step closer to reality.

When setting goal, you need to have pen and sheet of paper, or better yet an index card. Grab a 4 x6 index card to write down you goal. Have a specific goal. For example, I wont to make a lot of money will not work. It will not work because you don’t have a detailed goal. What you have is a wish, a dream.

So you need to write down like this; I will make $13,000 dollars each month from my business by June 1st, 2010. You need to have something like this, because you are writing specifics. Make sure that you are committed to your goal. Commitment is very important, because, if you have your goal set, and you don’t follow it, it’s good for nothing.

Why I have said to write everything on an index card because you can place it anywhere around your work place. You can look at it any time and remember what your goal is, and be motivated. The index card, the reminders that will be around you will help you stay focused on your goal. There are many ways to set reminder, but this one I like and I personally use it. In the cell phone type your goal on the screen and every time you open your phone you will see the reminder about your goal.

In this article you have learned how to set your goals and follow them.