Pursue your Dreams

When your life is moving so fast, it may be difficult to pursue your dreams. Slow down, take a breath and get back to focusing on your dreams. We all have dreams that we needed to put on hold for the right time. Now is your time. Trust me on this- there is no better time than now to take the steps to make your dreams come true. Here are two stories of two little girl and boy who made their dreams a reality.

A sweatshop worker, sewing pants and blouses for a living, dreamt of becoming an attorney. She never knew an attorney and did not even know what she had to do. Before graduating from high school, she asked her counselor for advice. The counselor told her to major in Political Science and apply for law school. Althought she struggled through college, she continued to law school. When she graduated from law school, she passed both New York and New Jesery bar examinations.

A young man who never had any computer knowledge or college education wanted to help Chinese restaurants become more visible in the United States. He started to read up on the various marketing opportunities on the internet. He thought long and hard to come up with a website that would list all the Chinese restaurants in the United States and post their menus online for everyone to view. Now the website is up at , the most comprehensive list of Chinese restaurants and take-out menus.

The key to reaching your dreams is to slow down. The famous saying that "slow is fast and fast is slow"

is so very true. Enjoy your journey to fulfilling your dreams today.