Own Beautiful Possessions By Setting Goals And Using Your Mind

Do you desire so much more? After all, you have potential in you. Would you like to realize that potential? Would you love to live in your dream home, have a nice car, vacations, and all you can ask for? There is only one way to do it, and here is how.

Most people are like ships without rudders. We go through formal schooling, get out, and start work or study more and then get a job. Having a job gives us possessions and gives us the basic necessities of life, but how do we get all those beautiful possessions?

People float through life, only just getting by. In fact out of 100 people reaching 65 more than half will be poor and depending on someone else. This is a terrifying fact. But, what about the others who can buy the beautiful possessions they want?

They all use a secret called goal setting. And by this I don't mean those New Years resolutions! Goal setters sit down, go to a park, forest, a place of seclusion and think about what they really want. Then they write it down, and think what they can do to get those things.

People set superficial goals. A goal of getting a new car is one which people will go to the dealership and soon have the car via a high interest loan. But, true goal setters will find a system. They will save and make those things happen. A goal is then achieved, and it was done in a way that may have taken a little longer, but the rewards a much more worth it.

A direct analogy would be those people who want a million dollars so they can buy all they want. Many fantasize and want it now. As such lotteries all around the world flourish, because of people's instant need for gratification.

Goal setting works for many reasons. Setting goals gives us direction, something which many people don't have. Goal setting also allows you to break out of the habit of buying things on impulse. We see things on TV, soon have a want, and because of a void made possible thanks to commercials, we are off to buy something, without considering our own wants and needs.

Setting goals is a process of introspection. Looking at what we like and don't like in the world, and setting goals to fill a need of ours. Goal setting makes all things possible, and not just material possessions. Knowing how to goal set can take you from doing something you don't like to something you love, and here is the key.

When you do what you love, you undoubtedly achieve success. We can see this in society. All the people who earn the big money also are doing what they love. They say they would do it whether getting paid or not. And a look at these people will show that they are giving us the preconceived notion of what to buy, what to have, what to be. But, these only create copy cats. Be yourself, and find set your own goals, do what you love to do, and find a way to make money from it. You will find that one day; you can own and have all the possessions you ever could want and more.