What Stops My Goals From Happening?

Lester Levenson taught me that the ONLY thing stopping my goals was my SELF IMPOSED LIMITATIONS. What does that mean in every day terms? It means that WE have put the brakes on postive changes in our lives, and these appear as negative thoughts and feelings. You can experience these whenever you think of something you really want, like more money or a new job. What pops up when you imagine something good happening for you? "I can't do it." I don't know where to go or what to do." "I will never be rich" "I am too old." When this happens, what we usually do is just suppress, or swallow the feeling, and just stay where we are. That's why affirmations don't always work. We cannot deal with the stuff that comes up when we say the goal over and over. So, we quit trying. This is where the KISS Release Technique comes in. When we do Lester's goal work, we INVITE these thoughts and feelings up so we can let them go on the spot. They are the limitations Lester was talking about.  When our minds are cleared of these obstructions, the Universe/Beingness can then create our goal easily. "Our Beingness is always trying to create our goals, but we get in the way with our negative felings." Lester told this to me once, and it had a profound effect on me. Is it as simple as that? Yes! It is not always as fast as we'd like because we have tons of these suppressed obstacles to release. Also, we get lazy to do the Technique all the time. However, if we persist, we WILL attain what we choose. It is scientific and provable. Lester Levenson was a physicist, and he proved everything out twice for himself before he trusted it.Lester Levenson taught me that the ONLY thing stopping my goals was my SELF IMPOSED LIMITATIONS. What does that mean in every day terms? It means that WE have put the brakes on postive changes in our lives, and these appear as negative thoughts and feelings. You can experience these whenever you think of something you really want, like more money or a new job. What pops up when you imagine something good happening for you? "I can't do it." I don't know where to go or what to do." "I will never be rich" "I am too old." When this happens, what we usually do is just suppress, or swallow the feeling, and just stay where we are. That's why affirmations don't always work. We cannot deal with the stuff that comes up when we say the goal over and over. So, we quit trying.

Lester Levenson taught me that the ONLY thing stopping my goals was my SELF IMPOSED LIMITATIONS. What does that mean in every day terms? It means that WE have put the brakes on postive changes in our lives, and these appear as negative thoughts and feelings. You can experience these whenever you think of something you really want, like more money or a new job. What pops up when you imagine something good happening for you? "I can't do it." I don't know where to go or what to do." "I will never be rich" "I am too old."

When this happens, what we usually do is just suppress, or swallow the feeling, and just stay where we are. That's why affirmations don't always work. We cannot deal with the stuff that comes up when we say the goal over and over. So, we quit trying.

This is where the KISS Release Technique comes in. When we do Lester's goal work, we INVITE these thoughts and feelings up so we can let them go on the spot. They are the limitations Lester was talking about.  When our minds are cleared of these obstructions, the Universe/Beingness can then create our goal easily. "Our Beingness is always trying to create our goals, but we get in the way with our negative felings." Lester told this to me once, and it had a profound effect on me.

Is it as simple as that? Yes! It is not always as fast as we'd like because we have tons of these suppressed obstacles to release. Also, we get lazy to do the Technique all the time. However, if we persist, we WILL attain what we choose. It is scientific and provable.

Lester Levenson was a physicist, and he proved everything out twice for himself before he trusted it. When we drop these self imposed obstacles, we can have, do and be what we choose. Guaranteed!