The three Ds – Dream, Dedication, and Determination are the key elements that determine your fate. First you must dream big, as unless you dream big you won’t have anything in life worth being pursued. By dreaming I never want you to indulge in day dreaming as that would make you idle. To turn your dreams to reality, you need dedication and determination towards achieving the set goals. Though most of us dream but very few are able to turn them into reality. What happens very often is that either we aren’t sure about our dreams therefore we keep changing from one dream to another or we go astray while pursuing them. The reason why I am putting so much stress on dedication and determination is that with the power of these two Ds (determination and dedication), you can realize the third D that is your Dream.

Examples are more comprehensive than theories, therefore let me give you an example of a man who swore by these three Ds in life and thus has reached the pinnacle of success within a very short time span and at a very young age.

Shamit Khemka – the CEO and Founder of SynapseIndia (one of the leading offshore service providers located in India) is the man I would like to introduce you all to. Shamit is a commerce graduate from St. Xavier College. Born and brought up in the business echelon of Indian society, business acumen and inclination towards entrepreneurship came as an inheritance to Shamit.

The sharp witted and ambitious Shamit aspired to become an entrepreneur at a very young age, while still in college. Though he could have followed his family business to achieve this aspiration, the fact was completely different. Instead of following the footprints of his ancestors (as their family business was of flour mills), Shamit Khemka had bigger dreams. His first venture, Pharos Infotech (in 1994) was the first dot com to introduce Bulletin Board Service (BBS) with email in India. This was much before VSNL could launch its internet services.

Shamit’s second venture was – an innovative website dedicated to the real estate industry in India. Synapse India is the third and most recent venture of Shamit. His faith in the three Ds has helped the company make its mark in the global outsourcing/offshoring arena within just a decade.