Goal Setting and Road-Map Towards Achieving Success in Life

Setting of goals is one area that has truly inhabited the progress of many individuals. But in this article I will dwell on the importance of setting goals and achieving your dreams. Apart from being ambitious, prosperous people have been known to be articulate in drawing their path towards achievement.

Goal setting will help you overcome life's short coming . For example, in the bible Moses was a stammer but he was still able to deliver the Israelites from captivity in Egypt. Also realize that as you achieve your goals people tend to forget your shortcomings.

Having targets opens doors to opportunities. This is because you will get support from people you least expected and others will even start following you. It is for this reason, companies sometimes get partners.

Research has shown that 95% of us have no dreams thus for this reason there are few achievers. Most of us what to be like mum and dad. Then the remaining 5% have dreams but are too lazy to write them down hence they end up forgetting and deviating from their set goals and targets.

It is sad to note that only 1% of the 5% write down their dreams and 90% of the people, who write down their vision, actually achieve their dreams in life. It then goes without saying that it is very important to put down in writing your goals.

All said and done, goal setting is the secret to achievement . You may not achieve all your dreams but setting goal will move you much closer towards self actualization.