In Pursuit Of Positive Thinking

If one wants to bring a zest, initiative and energy to the life, he needs to contemplate on the advantages of positive thinking. It will not be an exaggeration to say that your fate depends on what your attitude is. Nothing can be compared to the freshness these positive thoughts bring you. Great people always warn us to live in the present tense and not to brood on the past and worry about the future. To achieve this, one needs to have a grip on his mind. Mind is the place where all the emotions and desires arrive. When you are yourself and not wearing any mask, you can face the challenges of life with ease.

It is a trinity of mind, body and soul that controls us. They have to be in harmony with each other to run our vital force without any constraints. Positive thinking is the habit of thought. It impacts a great deal on your life. The words "can" and "cannot" have only difference of three letters. But these three letters can transform your life from good to worse if not handled with care. Once you are aware of its remarkable influence on life, you will strive hard to achieve that lost vigor.

Moreover, the positive thinking also governs the law of attraction that triggers good fortune in the life. If you want to achieve wealth, believe in the fact that you can if you work hard. The word "impossible" has been coined because of the pessimistic attitudes. If you support your positive thoughts with positive actions, nothing in this world is out of reach. Great men have achieved the results through sheer positivism. It does not mean however that there will not be any failures. Rather, the failures carry with them a sense of pursuing one's goals. Being resolute, courageous and having fighting spirit in smallest matters is being positive.

The basic requirement for an individual who wants to achieve something in life is goal setting. Unless you have dreams to follow, you cannot wish to achieve them. Being optimistic is like being happy forever. Try to find optimism in the saddest matters. When you will make a habit of thanking God for whatever you have, you will automatically set yourself on a path of divinity and bliss. It is advised to the pessimistic people that they should count their blessings everyday to overcome the feelings of inadequacy. Try to follow the paths the great people traveled, as it is never difficult to ride on the true road lines. At times, there may be obstacles but being positive, luck always rides with you and saves you from any accident.

There is a Swedish proverb that says, "Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow". If you do not stop feeling sorry for yourself, you can never make any progress. Hope always resides in the subconscious mind of a man. The world can never run ahead without hope. It sets even the dried log to thrive. As Bernard Shaw says "You see things and ask why? I dream things that never were and ask why not" That is the difference between positive and negative thinking.

While retiring to bed at night, one should say "it was a nice day and now I can have a relaxed sleep. Let the tomorrow be brighter, fresher and cheerful" Psychologists insist on having just positive thoughts. When you recurrently habit yourself with such thoughts, your mind and body are used to the positive vibrations they set in. Once your body is a harbor of positive thinking, you can never run out of hope and optimism.

Many people are worried as to how to achieve positive thinking? They can definitely resolve to relaxation techniques. Sitting quietly to oneself with deep breathing can also give you marvelous results. It is said that the best relaxation can be obtained by thinking of the worst. It does not mean that you should think worse but it means that just creep out of the sadness by attributing to the maximum damage. Once you are convinced of your subtle nature, you will automatically reduce blaming yourself for all the happenings. When you do not have control over the results, why worry about the things that do not have you as their concern? Thus from negativity arises the frank positivism.

Your subconscious mind plays a vital role in programming your brain. It is not difficult to teach your subconscious mind creative and affirmative sentences. You need to repeat them often when in a relaxed state of mind. The repetitions make them a habit and the omnipresent and omnipotent vital force applies its increased energy with unbounded sway. This results in a perfect balance between the outer world and inner harmony. This is nothing but an ultimate state of health! Thus positive thinking helps to have balanced hormones, enzymes and body tissues work more efficiently. It is not just a tale but statistical evidences have proved this fact that a person with positive energy is far more capable of doing wonderful work than the one with pessimism. So, why not hold the thread of positive thinking in order to achieve great heights for yourself as well as those around you! Let the world be a better place to live in!