Learn the science of how to get rich for free!

It is well known that during the ages all the philosophers tried to determine what is the purpose of life and what we should do with our short life on this earth. If we knew those answers then we would know for certain where money should fit in to our lives.

I do not know the answers to these questions but it makes more sense to me and to everybody I believe to enjoy life than to suffer. So I follow the hedonist guiding principle that life is meant to be enjoyed. It is simply a matter of finding out how to do it and then doing it. This principle is also the foundation of the argument that becoming rich is a worthwhile goal.

Wallace Wattles getting rich science is innovative, free and the efficiency of this system proves a tremendous potential for each of us. Getting rich science is not actually rocket science, it is accessible because Wallace Wattles gives in his book inspiration, he explains and he gives useful advices for how to get rich.

The science of getting rich is a free book and it was the basis for the movie The Secret. You can also be a part of the challenge, your life challenge because if you want to travel you need the money to travel. If you want to study you need the money to study. If you want a nice car or home or boat or whatever, you need the money to buy those things. If you want to make a donation to charity then you need the money to do it. In other words to really get the most benefits of this wonderful opportunity that we call life you really need to become rich firstly!

In order to be in the financial position where you do not need to work and where you can pay others to do your domestic duties can free up that whole 13 hours for us enjoying our lives. That means an extra 10 hours per day. If we multiply that by the 250 days as in a standard working year we are gaining 2,500 extra hours a year in which to enjoy life. The science of getting rich will be very useful for you to create this way of living for yourself.

So if you sleep for 8 hours and you spend another 3 hours while eating, dressing, showering etc. then only 13 hours remained until the end of a calendar day. If you need to work then you must spend 8 more hours of those remaining hours and another 1 or 2 traveling to work and back home. If you also spend an  hour a day on domestic duties like cleaning or cooking then you are now down to 3 hours in which to spend time with your family, socialize, pursue your hobbies and interests and generally enjoy life.

But how can we do this? We all know that a typical unemployed or retired person also has plenty of spare time but they usually cannot afford to do many of those things that would improve their lives. Make a test: read for hundred days the free book The Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles and see what happens. You might be surprised.

Basically if you want to be happy and rich you need to think positive. The getting rich alternative is based mostly on you and your optimistic point of view, but just positive thinking is not enough. Wallace D. Wattles tells exactly what to do and how to do it.  You really need this! We all can do it, everyone can become financially free and it is achievable.