Set Effective Goals - How Considering the Long Term Objective Will Improve Your short term Goal

A goal is a short term result. It is, or should be, measurable, clear and attainable. Stephan Covey mentioned in one of his books that "Before you climb the ladder, better make sure that it is leaning against the right wall." Is your goal aimed at the right objective?

One way to make sure that it is aimed at the right objective is to ask "If I achieve this goal, will I be closer to reaching my objective?". But if you wish to do a good job, there are few more questions to ask:

Is this the one largest step that I can make towards my objective? That is - will this goal not only advance me in the right direction, but will it be a significant advance?

Ask another question; "Is there any other goal that would advance me even more?" You should aim at the most ambitious, yet practical goal that you can come up with. Make sure that the goal is significant, but do not make it too large and complicated. However, if you are sure that you can reach this goal, then you should probably aim higher.

The best goals are always ambitious. However, to advance in the right direction is even more important than ambitious. After all, there is no point making a huge step towards a place that you do not wish to go to. Always make sure that your goals are aligned with the higher purpose that they serve. Ask yourself another question:

"While working towards my goal, what extra results could I achieve that would advance me even further towards my objective?" The more such results that you can identify, the better the goal.

If wish to know more about setting effective goals, you can download my free e-book "How To Set Effective Goals - coaching your client to success". Just go to and get it immediately.