How do you make decisions?

Do you base the decisions you make on love or fear?

How is it that we learnt to base decisions on things that are contrary to, or outside of, our goals or desires, because we think we have to or we should? Who decided that we should do that?

I think sometimes we lose all sense of self in regards to what we want because we are so busy running around trying to please others. Well it is time to connect in and really figure out what we want for ourselves!

In order to make sure you are delighted and complimenting yourself on the decisions you make, is to ensure you connect in when making them. After all you are the ONLY one that knows what is best for you... (even if others think they do J)

So... which decision brings you closer to your desire, purpose and goals? And which decision takes you further away from it. That is all the analysing that needs to be done.

Do you normally make decision based on what feels good for you and where you want to be?

In order to connect in you will need to ask yourself some simple questions about life and get REALLY honest in your answers. Don’t worry about what your mothers, brothers, friend thinks... this is for your eyes only, well for now anyway! J

Below is a list of questions to ask yourself. Don’t worry about figuring out the how or when. That is not up to you. Source will cater for all of the details. All you need to think about is the what (and the feeling associated with that what!)

So ask yourself these questions in each area of your life:

Relaxation and rest time

How would you best like to spend this time? What activities would you like to be doing? What material would you like to be reading? Where would you like to be doing the activity and who would you like to join you?


What qualities do you truly value and desire in a partner? What qualities do you value in yourself? What sort of boundaries would you like to set up/explore in your relationship? What activities do you like doing together? How could you value your time together more? How do you show your love for your partner?

Wealth and prosperity

What goals have you set for yourself in this area? What sort of income would you like to be making? Would you like to set up passive forms of income? Doing what? Would you like multiple streams of income? How would you like to be paid? What would you like to be doing in order to be paid? How would you like to think and feel about money?

Health and wellbeing

How would you like your body to look and feel? How would you like your life to benefit from healthy eating and exercise? What favourite healthy foods do you like to eat? How often? How much time would you like to make for exercise? How would you feel when you can fit that into your schedule every week?


How often would you like to spend quality time with your family? What activities would you like to do during that time? How would you like to feel? How would you like your family to feel?


List the qualities of your ideal home? Where is it based? What is it like? What are your favourite features of your home?

All of this and so much more is possible for your life!! It is about getting clear and making really strong decisions which allow you to head in the direction of what makes you happiest and most fulfilled.

If you are looking to spend more time at home with your family and at the same time you are interested in building a passive income, contact me at" .

Or visit the website for more information,