New Years Resolution Falling Apart Already?

All change begins as a change in consciousness; a change in mindset. When you are serious about making this shift it is important to guard and protect your new level of thinking in its baby stage.

In this baby stage, a new mindset is like a thin layer enveloping your mind, and being ever so delicate it is translucent and barely visible. However to make it strong, dominant and readily perceivable to all those around you, you must reinforce the new thoughts and ideas that you want to be established in your life.

Allowing yourself to reconnect and be intimate with your old dominant mindset will sabotage your efforts to create a new way of being. Friends, family, certain type of conversations and good ole television are rich sources of influence for your old dominant mindset. The bottom line here is to be aware of what you are allowing into your realm of consciousness.

On this journey towards Transforming Your Consciousness for this New Year you may notice yourself having a decreased desire to spend significant time with friends, family, or other sources of energy that supported your old mindset. You may even find it becoming increasingly laborious to connect with them. This is a natural process and it is best to simply allow it to be and see how the nature of these relationships evolve harmoniously without effort. This is an indication that you are indeed making a shift and you will instantly begin to attract friends and family who are a match to your new level of consciousness.

Without positive support and so many contrary influences around you daily, you may find yourself struggling to keep up with this new thing you are doing with your life. It may feel like you are struggling to keep your head above water, but simply take it one day at a time. Consistent persistent effort no matter how small that effort may seem is the magical secret of personal transformation.

Seek positive support for your dreams. Audio books, seminars or even a Consciousness Transformation Coach like myself can help to keep you focused on your path and reinforce your new way of being.

As always, trust your inner guidance.
Maren Cruickshank