Beliefs Are Obstacles To Your Success And Happiness

"Beliefs Block Your Beingness"

Lester made this statement when talking about beliefs, or as he called them, programs. What does it mean in the practical terms of achieving goals, having more money, and being happier? He said we are like a computer where the programmer has fallen asleep. Programs are long held beliefs that are really decisions we made consciously in the past and are now running unconsciously in the present. By the past he meant a very long time ago in other lives we have experienced. Even though they are running below the light of conscious awareness, they are still active and create a reality in our lives.

You can prove the truth of these happiness killers yourself. What are your strong held beliefs? "If I ever get any money, I will lose it anyway from the IRS or my ex." "If I have a relationship, I will be betrayed."  "I can never be truly happy in this world." And we have all heard this one...."The one who dies with the most toys, wins."

All beliefs are just that...mental statements of anaccepted fact. "Habits of thought, or latent tendencies, are the greatest enemies to realization." However, the highest faculty of the mind is discrimination, and we must use that to discern the real from the unreal. The true from the not true. The mind from Beingness. This last one is what we use to drill down into the dark subconscious and focus the light of awareness on these obstacles.

Beliefs are some of the "self imposed limitations" Lester talked about. Beliefs DO get created because the mind projects out our world. So, it is in our best interest to drop these false decisions that made sense in the dim past, but are inhibiting and destructive to you now.

"Pure mind allows the omnipresent omniscience to flow through us."...Lester