Self Hypnosis Techniques for Success

Your reality is largely shaped by the beliefs that you hold. Beliefs can be compared to software that programs how you experience and relate to the environment around you. Who you are and how you relate to the world is controlled by your beliefs. In order to change yourself and your life, the place to start is with your beliefs.

The major difficulty in dealing with beliefs is that most of those that affect you are harbored in your subconscious. Many of these subconsciously held beliefs sabotage your conscious efforts to improve your life and remain beyond your conscious control and awareness, impeding you from realizing your full potential.

The subconscious is responsible for approximately 90% of a persons mental and physical functions so it makes sense to use the subconscious to create success in all areas of life. Self-hypnosis is a tool available to everyone and you can use it to penetrate the resistance to your conscious efforts and tap into the source of your own personal power. Anyone can generate the thoughts that have the power to change their lives: mentally, emotionally and physically.

Know what your objectives are before beginning any session of self-hypnosis. Your objective can be anything; losing weight, improving your health, having a better relationship or making more money. Many people who use self-hypnosis claim that even when they had concentrated their efforts on only one or two objectives that other aspects of their lives improved beyond that which they had focused their intentions.

Before starting a session, take note of your state of mind as well as your physical and emotional states. Determine how long your session will last. A session of self-hypnosis consists of four stages.
1. Induction
2. Deepening
3. Trance
4. Awakening


Induction is the intentional shifting of awareness from your normal state. Begin to relax by using deep breathing. Taking deep breaths in a rhythmic pattern will begin to relax the mind and body. Another method that can be used in the induction phase is to focus your sight on a single spot, letting your vision naturally blur and allowing the eyelids to close on their own.


Deepening is similar to induction but extends to a deeper level of relaxation. Count down from a number of your choice until zero. Synchronize the count with your deep breathing and gradually put yourself into a deeper state of relaxation as each number is counted. There is no need to pick too high of a number: between 3 and 10 is optimal. If you prefer not to countdown, try visualizing some peaceful, beautiful location. This place could be imaginary or somewhere you have actually visited.


Trance is also known as the Auto-Suggestion phase as this is where you will be repeating to yourself a script which describes the positives changes you wish to take hold in your subconscious. This script will be something that you have written in advance. It can be as short as a few words or as long as a few paragraphs. Most importantly, the script should be written in terms of implementing positive chance and avoiding terms describing making changes to negative behaviors or circumstances. For instance, if you are trying to lose weight, repeat something such as, "I eat healthy everyday and feel fulfilled" but do not repeat something like, "I will stop eating so much chocolate".

Once you have become more comfortable and familiar with entering into the trance phase you may decide to try making a longer, more comprehensive script to read or you can record your script to play back during this time. To enhance the effectiveness of the trance phase create the emotion within yourself of how you will feel once you have realized your objective.

For someone beginning self-hypnosis, the most asked question is "How do I know when I am in trance?" The reality is that it is different for every individual. Trance is a natural state that exists in everyone. Have you ever been driving and suddenly realized you have gone miles without being aware? Have you ever been so involved in some activity that you lost perception of time? These are examples of natural trance.

With time and experience you will recognize your own personal signals to indicate when you are in trance. Signals can be physical, emotional or mental. Below is a small list of examples of possible signals to give you an idea of what to expect.

* Tranquility
* Euphoria
* Neutrality
* Forgiveness
* Unconditional Love
* Detachment

* Altered time perception
* Clarity
* Wisdom

* Tingling
* Warmth
* Light headed
* Floating or levitating


The final phase of your self-hypnosis session is Awakening which simply means returning to your normal state of consciousness. Obviously, it is best to comeback gradually and not with a jolt. This can be accomplished by using the same countdown method as used in the deepening phase except with each step increasing to your normal conscious state.

The effectiveness of self-hypnosis is in balancing the intentions of the conscious with the subconscious. The conscious mind is rational and envisions the changes that you want. The subconscious is creative, intuitive and powerful. It creates a reality based on beliefs of which you are too often unaware. By using self-hypnosis, you can program your subconscious mind to work for you to create the life you desire. Results will not appear immediately but with practice and patience the results will be dramatic and well worth the effort.