How to Set Goals More Effectively

Setting goals is very important when you want to become more successful in any area of your life. Yet merely setting a vague goal in your mind without any followup is the surest way to fall short of accomplishing what you want. You are about to learn strategies to set goals more effectively, so that your chances of achieving them are much better.

Set Clear and Defined Goals

When you are setting the goal you want to accomplish you must be as specific as possible. The clearer and more defined your goal is, the easier it will be to focus on it. For example, if you want to lose weight you will want to determine exactly how many pounds you want to lose and by what date. "I'm going to lose fifteen pounds in two months" is a much clearer and more specific goal to focus on than just "I want to lose weight".

Write Your Goals Down

Once you have decided what your goal is and made it as specific as possible, write it down with pen and paper. This is the first step toward a commitment to accomplishing your goal. By transforming your goal from just an idea in your head to a written statement, you have brought it into the physical world and given it power. This seemingly small action gives you momentum by starting you on the path to achieving your goal. It is up to you, however, to keep moving toward your desired end.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Now that you have your specific goal written down, you need to put it in a place that you will see every day. If you are on your computer every day, you can make a desktop background with your goal on it or put a sticky note on your monitor. Other places you can put it include your bathroom mirror, your car, your refrigerator, or any other place you can imagine as long you see it every day. Doing this will keep you on track by keeping your goal in mind every day.

Remember To Stay Flexible

Using the strategies above will give you a good start toward achieving your goal, but make sure the path you take is not too strict. Stay flexible so that you can make adjustments if you are not seeing results. If the method you have chosen isn't working, make whatever changes that are necessary. Life rarely goes as planned; as long as you know where you're going, it doesn't matter if you aren't sure exactly how you're going to get there.