Journaling: a Life Tool

For those of you looking to: have a greater sense of wholeness and inner peace, find a deeper meaning in your life, grow and experience more love with yourself and others, enjoy a new level of healing, resolve the stress in your life, reveal the emptiness that you may be feeling, become more true to yourself - then by all means read on.

I have recently incorporated back into my life, what I prefer to call, a “life” tool that directs me closer to experiencing the kinds of things mentioned above. Also, I must say the investment has been next to nothing (a pad of paper and a pen).

Are you ready? What I am referring to is “The Art of Journaling”. Now, there are many types of journaling that can be done...more on this at a later date. For myself, I choose to journal about the things in my life that revolve around personal growth and healing. And let me tell you, I have found no better tool for deeper healing of the body, mind and spirit than through journaling.

You may ask, “how’s this so?” Journaling allows me to explore the deepest roots of my being. Like myself, most everyone has experienced some sort of emotional stress, trauma or physical pain in the body. By sitting down and letting the mind “release” through some simple and effective journaling exercises, I can learn to explore and uncover the parts of myself that often reveal a hidden, suppressed or misguided feeling that lies deep within me just waiting to be nurtured. Over time, this may trigger a healing process that further accentuates our potential overall healing.

Although, I must admit, journaling sometimes requires an enormous amount of faith, courage and humility to address the issue at hand. Even so, I know that you can achieve the same amount of personal growth as I have.

For those of you interested in studying the topic of journaling to heal the Body, Mind and Spirit further, I am going to direct you to a favorite book of mine, “The Handbook of Journaling, Tools for the Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit” written by Neil F. Neimark M.D. I found the exercises in his book very simple and extremely helpful with an almost immediate resolve to whatever I was working on.