Information about Plastic Surgery Brow Lifts

Some of the common signs of aging include wrinkles, frown lines, deep creases, and a heavy or overhung brow.  These facial changes related to aging can cause a person to look tired or angry most of the time.  Having a plastic surgery brow lift can rejuvenate your facial features and help you appear wide-eyed and perky again.  The wrinkles and creases can be minimized and symmetry added for an overall pleasing and youthful look.

The traditional method for a plastic surgery brow lift is called the Coronal procedure.  This procedure removes extra skin and fat from the eyebrow area, as well as raises the tissue and even raises the hairline.  The incision is made from ear to ear, across the forehead and is disguised along the hairline.  Another version of this lift is the subcutaneous procedure, which is similar except for the placement of the scar as it does not raise the hairline.

A newer method that is gaining popularity among plastic surgeons and their patients alike is the Endoscopic brow lift.  This surgery is relative quick, easy and safe.  There are fewer risks and fewer scars associated with this procedure than with the traditional plastic surgery brow lift.  A few very tiny incisions are made and a very small tube, called a cannula, is inserted.  The cannula has a miniature camera on the end which aids the board certified plastic surgeon in seeing the areas that need work.  The muscles under the forehead are tightened and repositioned and the incisions closed with tiny sutures.  Talk to your surgeon about which plastic surgery brow lift is right for you.