The “APA” abbreviation stands for American Psychological Association style the most frequent use of which is found within social science.
According to the most common APA guidelines a work should be printed on a computer on a standard sheet of paper. The text of your paper should be double-spaced and margins set to 1inch on all sides of the document. All pages should be numbered in the upper right-hand corner of the sheet of paper and a 1-2 word version of your title should be stated before it. An abstract might be put in the very beginning of the paper on its own page with the main idea and points of your work. Headings are not necessary to be put at all, but if you do put them, then you should know that the only level of headings for undergraduate papers is major heading. It should be centered and every word but for articles, short prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions must be capitalized. Any visuals put in your work must be labeled with the help of an Arabic numeral and the name of the visual. A source for the visuals, might it be tables or a graphs, charts or drawings, must be put below it. List of references should be put on its own page, to be precise - at the last page of your work. It must be double spaced and alphabetized by an author's last name. In case no author of the work can be found, use the first letter of the title, excluding articles, to alphabetize it. It is important to point out the fact that the conjunction “and” should not be used when providing a number of authors for one and the same source of the material cited. The ampersand “&” should be used instead. Alongside this another peculiar feature of the reference list formatting is distinguished: to indicate the page numbers the abbreviations “p. or pp.” are used.