The Key to Success is in Having GoalsThe first time I heard about having goals in life I was still a teenager in school and really never took it serious until life dawned on me and I had to draw serious strategies on how to achieve success in life. I attended a presentation where the speaker was talking about a multi-level marketing program , since I intended to join the scheme and earn some extra cash I was very intrigued and paid attention to his every word. He started off by talking about how to achieve success in life. These words as simple as they sounded at the time really captured my attention. The words were, if one is to archive some level of success in life there is a great need to lay down well set goals. And right there I knew that this talk was tailor made for me. From then I realized the need to set goals in life. "Everyone's life is under someone's control - it might as well be under your own so that you can direct your destiny." (Harry Tucker) are some of the few words that to date still linger in mind. For you to be fulfilled and archive in this life you need to put down in writing your goals and dreams . A goal is a hope to achieve something having specific parameters like having well set deadlines. In other words a goal is a dream with a specific time frame with a long term vision. It's very important to note God wired us all to succeed in life hence we should strive to reach our destiny. Am sure you've heard these words many times before "work smart not hard". The best way of applying this is by planning, setting deadlines and remaining focused to your desires so as not to divert from your course. It's of utmost importance that the goals we set are attainable, believable, inspiring and with direction. When setting a goal have a desire and determination to follow it through with confidence that you'll attain what you have set to achieve. Hopkins put it so well when he said "goals fuel the furnace of achievement." We are also required to develop a plan with action steps of achieving our goals which should be laid down. It would be good if we evaluate and reflect on these goals regularly. Review what exactly you want in life, level of satisfaction and current position to see if you have really made progress or if you are static. Also try not to be rigid but rather be flexible to new ideas and tips. |