Our Goals and Plans - How Can We Maximise Our Outcomes and Success?I feel that when it comes to goals and plans, we need to understand the difference between the two, and be mindful of the best methods to achieve our desired outcomes. Initially, a goal is a final outcome, or desired result, which does not necessarily include the detail of the method or road to get to completing and achieving the goal. On the other hand, a plan is the method by which we will achieve the goal we have set ourselves. You may well think that is all well and good, but "so what?" Well, as basic as this may seem, a clear understanding and recognition of it can be the difference between you completing and achieving much of your desired outcomes, versus not getting very far at all. Let me expand a little on this to clarify my point. Many people stop going for their goals, because they are not sure how they will get there, or achieve their desired outcome. So, for them, one natural approach is to simply not dream it, or wish it. On the face of it, that may make sense, but is very limiting. Nothing worthwhile would be done, if we did not dream. Every invention, and convenience we have today is the result of someone's vision, ability to dream, and convert an idea into reality. So too, with you, is the concept the same. You just may not yet know how to formulate it to your desired fruition. For a start, you need to know what you want to achieve in its final form, or at least have an idea. This will be your goal. Think of it like the goal post on the end of a football field. Do not yet worry about the way to use to get there, just know the direction you need to move in. Having your list of goals written down is a crucial first step, and I recommend you take the evening off, and spend as long as it takes to write your list of goals. It's OK to dream big. I always say, that if you ask for the world, you will probably end up with a country. If you ask for little, you will get little. So, dream big, and soar high. Do not yet worry about the details. It really does not matter how you are going to achieve every little detail, as long as you know the destination you want to end up at. I am able to provide numerous examples of this point for you. One such example is when Boeing designed and built the first 747 aircraft, they did not yet have the technology for the engines to lift it off the ground. However, they persevered, and the engine technology became available. Someone had the courage to say, the design is good, and it revolutionised flying. If you look at almost any small business, they often start with the general goal, but not necessarily every detail in place. In my case, I started my online business with very little information for the detail. I simply knew where I wanted to end up, and took myself through the steps, as I learned them. |