Personal Goal Setting - Motivation And Goal Setting

One of the most challenging things someone can ask us to do is to set goals for our lives. While you can easily pinpoint owning a house or a car or having lots of money as your goals in life, you still cannot say that you are able to set your goals effectively. So how does one go about effective personal goal setting? Before you start wondering of what you need to do, you will need to keep in mind that goal setting and motivation are two things that you should think about.

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Personal goal setting can happen everyday but doing this effectively can happen rarely. Many people often overlook the most important elements in effective goal setting, thinking that merely having a goal is enough. When setting personal goals, try to think about where you are now, what you have now, and who you are now. After this, try to think about where you want to be, what you want to have, and who you would want to be.

You will also need to think about what can help motivate you to pursue your personal goals. Many people see goals more as challenges than motivating factors. With this kind of thinking, you can easily feel tired about going after a certain goal because you cannot seem to find anything that can help you push yourself farther.

There are also many of us that set goals that are almost too impossible to reach. One thing you should remember about setting personal goals is that they must be doable and realistic. Goals are not fantasies - they are rather objectives that need to be achieved.

Effective personal goal setting will always start with you and not with anyone else. So it is best that you stop fantasizing for a while and try to think more seriously about what you would want to do with your life.

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